Ch: 51 What?!

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Hey just wanted to say rjay that I already publish this chapter bur I deleated it because it had some issues so I had to repsot it. Okay thanks :)

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Where in the world am I?

Why does my head feels like it got run over by a bus. My whole body felt as if it has been asleep for the longest of time and now has to wake its self back up. My back feels increadibly sore, and not in the good way.

If you've ever dated Austin Moon, then you know what I'm talking about.

Oh god and what is that horrible smell! Its not that as bad as one smell you find while riding on the subway, but one that makes you light headed when you walk into the doctors office. Very strong.

Wait, is that where I am?

I finally open my eyes, only to quickly close them back due to an increadibly bright light. Yeah I'm pretty sure I'm in the hospital now. After so many imes of coming here, you think I would be able to remember what a typical hospital room looks and smells like.

I go for it again, this time lifting my eye lids slowly so my eyes can adjust easier. I take a few blinks and I'm able to look at my surroundings.

Theres no one here, and the tv in the corner is off. The curtains shut, no balloons or flowers with a cheesy card saying "Get Well Soon!" I don't even have a room mate. Its as if I'm not even a paitent here, rather just laying on the bed.

The old Ally would like this kind of solitude, but the new me craves the presence of people. I mean a nice old lady as a roomate, or an over excited kid wouldnt be too bad for a roomate.

Had anyone even come to visit me?

Wait, who could have came?

I'm in England, I just remembered. My mother had pushed me and I hit my head pretty hard. Even the fall I took hurt pretty bad on my side and stomach.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the sound of a female gasp, I turned my head to the door where a woman dressed in scrubs was starring at me. A smile grew on her face as she quickly ran out the door.

"She's awake Dr. She finally woke up!"

I'm finally awake, how long have I been knocked out for?

"Ally Dawson." Said a older man walking in with the same bright smile as the nurse behind him. "Glad to see you're finally awake. I know you must be very confused but I will gladly inform you on any questions you have."

I listened carefully and nodded my head slowly.

"Well firstly I am Dr. Arthur this is nurse Denise, we have been watching over you for some time over a month and a half. You've been here at Upper East Coast Hospital."

Huh, it's weird that neither of them have British accents.

Wait, wait!

He said Upper East Coast Hospital, I've been to that, or this, hospital before. When I about seven I had an asthma attack and my dad had to take me to that hospital.

But that was in Miami, I'm in England. Right? Then why would he say that?! Did some one find me and brought me back home to Miami.

"Judging by the look on your face you seem very confused." Dr. Arthur analyzes.

I nod nervously, "Yeah very. How did I get here?"

"Well your school called an ambulance after you wouldn't wake up from that nasty hit you took. I've only had few patients fall under a coma due to door slam upon the head." he chuckles lightly.

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