Ch: 54 : Coming For You

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Austin's POV:

"You idiot!"

I can't say I fully disagree.

"You were suppose to call before you got here. Maybe even a minute before you knocked on the door. Not just knock on the door unannounced! "

We were here. Dez, Trish and I made it.

We were finally here in Palm Cost, in the Darren's home.

Though things did not start off too well.

Andrew was not happy how ever with the fact that we just knocked right on the door and then his crazy step-mother answered the door.

She slammed the door in our faces and locked the doors and windows.

Andrew was able to figure out that his mother must have gone crazy because of unwanted company.

And boy does the world know she hates me.

The worst part of it all is that she's now locked herself in her room and no one can get her to come out.

Well of course after smashing a few vases against the wall, then she locked herself in her room.

"That wasn't part of the plan!" Andrew went on, "You were suppose to call before you arrived o would let you in and have you wait in the dinning room and then wait for my mother after I had a ten minute conversation informing her as well as comforting. "

He went on rambling for about ten more minutes about his precise schedule.

"I even made Nick rehears it with me two days in preparation!"

Nick nodded. I just noticed he was in the room with us three as we all listened to Andrew go on and on.

"He made me wear a wig and dress in one of mom's dresses."

"Okay thats enough." Trish cuts in. "We're here now that's all that matters. Now can we just try to seeing if we can talk to her. And by we I mean Austin."

"What why me? She hates me!" I shouted.

Was Trish insane. Sending me alone with her !

"Why not you? You've known Ally the longest."  I stated.

"You're the boyfriend!" She defended.

"Let's just all go oaky!" Dez cut in.

I took a deep breath and sighed, "Alright, let's do this. The flight to London is in a few hours so we need to hurry."

All of us headed up to the master bedroom. Andrew and Nicks farther was at work.

He had no idea that we were even to be coming here.

Which actually isn't such a good thing.

We needed as many people as possible to keep their mom calm.

Nick went to get his little brother, Toby, in hopes that it would calm down the situation.

It was kind of exciting to see Toby again. I've only seen him once and he's grown so much since the last time I've  seen him.

He looks a lot like Ally. They have the same cute nose and brown eyes.

"He really misses Ally." Nick states, "they only got to see each each other a handful of times, with Ally being in Miami. But he really cares for her."

"I miss her too." I sigh.

"Please bring back my sister Austin. I know she and I aren't blood related, and we spent most of our lives living separately. But she's been in my family since I was a  baby, I've always seen her as my older sister and not my step-sister."

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