Austin 6: Questions

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No one here knows who I am. And I love it. It couldn't get any better.

Dez and I were at this totally insane mansion club, the most amassing place in the world. I thought I was going to be crowded with girls, screaming fans, not letting me in peace. But people don't even look up. They just shove me to the side. I was just another regular guy, I like that. No one caring at all who I am.

"This place is so cool!" i yell to Dez, the music was so loud.

"Yeah, it's amazing! I don't really come here, but I knew you would love it here!" he yells back.

We went out to the dance floor, we danced for a while. Then danced with a bunch of random people. I"ve never been in a more amazing place. It looks like some vintage palace. Those fancy light things, don't know what they're called, were hanging from the ceiling. There where big long windows, and there's also lots of curtains hanging. Smoke on the ground, lights shooting.

I had to take it all in. Even the smells, some thing sweet, then like smoke and liquor. I liked it, it sounds weird, but it smells like music. Like the smell of music. Music smells like not caring about any thing else but music, and letting yourself rock it out.

it was cool being able to just have fun, not caring about any thing else. Not that I don't care, but just in this moment. Letting loose, for this night there aren't any other worries at all.

After a little it was getting hot, but I wanted to hear some good music. That's the reason for ths place. Dez suggested to up to the Rooftop. That's even the name of this mansion. We go uo and I already hear a band playing, they're really good. I don't know the song they're playing, maybe thery wrote it. It's good.

"I can't believe this place." I say to Dez in a normal volume.

"Yeah, it's cool. Not too much my thing, but you like it." he says.

"I would love to own this place." I say. That would be a total dream. Waking up in a big bed, in a white room. And having this pool, the rooftop, the big garden, And all night rocking out. I could get use to that life style. Well I kind of have a little already. But it's different here. IN New York, I got to to party all night. But it was mainly just club music. Now I'm back home, and I'm listing to music that I can feed off of. There isn't better music than that, music that makes you feel worth living.

We danced for a while, listening ting to rock music, and other types I have no idea what you would call it. But's music, that's all that matters. Then music starts to slow down, I guess there gonna play some slow songs. Or some thing inspirational, and takes time.

I thought people were going to start leaving, and go down to the ball room for some club music. But in fact is more people came up. I love, that they love music. They want to hear it. Not hear just for the awesome club music, but the ones with a song, a voice.

I'm standing in the back, a little far from the stage. I couldn't see the performers, but I could hear the music well.

The song begins, I can recognize it right away. Give me love, by Ed Sheeran. It's a great song. This placed seemed to be turned into a new world with that song playing. The music, the night starry sky, the lights from candles, this is a dream I can't be waken from.

I wait, And I listen.

"Give me love," a voice gently sings.A voice. A voice that is so beautiful, and full of wonder. A voice that makes me lose myself. I have never heard any thing like it. Nothing can compare to such... It's different. it's amazing, the only other person I know who can sing so wonderful is......


No, no, no no. It can't be, can it?

No, there's no way in the world that can be the voice of, "Dez!" I cal to him, "Are you hearing this?"

Austin and Ally FF (Fixing the Melodies)Where stories live. Discover now