Austin 34: cant let you

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Can she be more adorable?

Like seriously this girl is going to kill me with her cuteness.

Ally was helping me do my home work and we actually got done in about thirty minutes. The whole time she kept feeding me cookies and giving me coffee. You can also imagine the amount of times I would give Ally a kiss on the cheek.

"You are such a flirt!" She yelled.

"Yes I am. So what do you say?" I repeat again for the third time, "Please?" I ask with a huge grin.

"Ugh, fine." She says she then gives my cheek a quick kiss, "Happy now?" She says. I simply nod with one of my famous smiles.

After that Ally and I decided to watch a movie, well I did. Ally fell asleep during the film. Which I didn't mind that much actually. I let Ally rest her head on my lap, she looked so adorable. It was too much.

Through out the middle of the movie Ally started to move a little too much, she must be waking up.

But she wasn't, she was starting to mumble. "Austin." She mumbled. This wasn't one of those cute moments when the girl dreams about the guy, she might dreaming about me. But it was more like was calling for me to help her.

"M-mom." She then says. I look down at her, my heart breaking. Ally's eyes are closed but tears are coming out through the bottom of her eye lids. She's tossing and turning more and more.

"Ally." I say shaking her shoulder a little. I didn't want her to have this horrible nightmare. "Ally wake up."

"D-daddy?" She says.

"Ally wake up." I say practically yelling.

"Stop. Charlie, STOP!"

She wakes up with a killing scream as if she was being murdered. Her eyes wide and covered with tears. I wipe them away slowly and looking down at her. I look at her concerned and confused.

What was my Ally dreaming that made her scream like that?

She looked up at me with her big brown eyes scared to death. I just looked at her asking her with my eyes what was wrong. She sat up next to me not saying a word. It was actually weird. Our silence.

I was about to ask what she dreamt when she wrapped her arms around my back pulling me close. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rubbed her back to sooth her.

I kissed her head endlessly. She frankly broke down and started to sob into chest.

"Shhh! It's okay Ally, it was just a dream. I'm here okay, I'm here." I say prettier her head softly. "Ally it's okay." I said getting up from the couch.

She seemed confused but I then picked her up into my arms and carried her into my room.

I passed my mom in the hall, "Whats wrong. Ally sweetie?" She asked nervously.

"She just had a nightmare." I inform her, I then mouth 'About Charlie.'

My mom nods in understanding, she doesn't ask any thing more and let's me take her to my room.

I set Ally on my bed, she sits there looking at her hands.

"What did he do, in the dream?" I randomly blurt out. STUPID, you can't just say that randomly out loud.

She whispers in a shaken tone , "What he did that night. And I dreamt of my mom, and my dad." She says holding in tears.

"It's okay, it's okay." I say again. Even thought reality it might not be okay. "Did you dream about me. You mumbled my name." I say.

She nodded her head, "I was asking for help."

"But I didn't come?" I ask nervously.

She shook her head.

"Ally that's not me. I'm here for you no matter what. I'm going to protect you I'm not going to let any one harm you. Do you you understand? I care and love you so much." I say to her

She smiles big and she wraps her arms around my neck holding me close.

It's been two weeks and I haven't talked to Ally in a little bit, expect when we're at work. I figured she must be busy with therapy. I don't want to bother her.


I haven't talked to Ally much in a while, and I really want to go see her. I miss giving her those silly compliments, and kissing her cheek or nose any chance I get.

I know what to do.

It's Friday and I know just how to surprise her today. Oh yeah she's gonna love it.


Ally's POV:

It's been three weeks since I've really talked to Austin, truth is I've been kind of avoiding him. Its not that I don't like spending time with him, I love being with Austin. It's just that I've been going though different therapists.

My mom can't seem to find one for me, well most of the are actually good. But they mainly end up telling my mom that she needs to be on the same side as me. Of course she doesn't like people telling her that so I keep moving from one to the next.

I haven't told Austin about it. More secrets that I keep from him. Great.

Today was finally Friday, school is just about to end.

"Hey Ally?" I hear Dany whisper to me from behind. "Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yeah of course. Wouldn't miss it. I might be there just a little late because I have to be at work in the morning with Austin." I explain.

"That's cool, hey you should invite Austin, oh and Dez too." She says cheery at that last part.

"Oh I see. Austin is just the excuse for Dez to come too."

She smiles, "Just a little." She says.

Gotta love that Dany girl.

As soon as the bell ended I started walking to my locker where Trish was also there.

"So Dany I was thinking for your party we should have a smoke machine. If that's cool with your parents." Trish says to Dany.

They go in and on about details while I just put books into my locker.

"Ahh!"I hear a girly scream.

"It's Austin Moon!"


Both Trish and Dany turn to me confused. I look to a big mob forming in the middle of the hall way.

"Okay ladies please!" I hear my familiar red head friend say through a bullhorn "Austin is here for one specific girl! Oh Ally Dawson!" He announces.

This causes my face to turn bright red and then I see Austin holding a guitar and walking over to me with the biggest smile ever.

He starts strumming as he makes his way over to be humming to a familiar tune. Then Dez pulls out a CD player and the songs starts.

Girls are screaming around, though his eyes are only on me. I can't help but feel special.

Save my heart Jason Reeves. I love that song so much!

I want what I can't have
I wanna make you mine
I don't care what it takes

I'm fearless with my heart
I'll take it any place
I don't care if it breaks

I wanna tell you things
I never tell myself
These secrets hurt like hell, oh

Call me crazy, maybe I'm insanely
Out of my mind but it'll never phase me
If I have to, I'm not afraid to
Save my heart for you

I'm a rebel even if it's trouble
I'ma pull you out from the rubble
If I have to, I'm not afraid to
Save my heart for you

-I feel like I'm flying and my cheeks are going crazy red. Austin is singing and dancing around me, making a while bunch of girls jealous. Which makes me laugh actually.

He then give his guitar to Dez and takes my hand and pulls me close to dance with him as we continues to sing.

Tell me I'm wrong
Turn around and run
Still gonna save my heart for you
Oh oh

I want what I can't have
I gonna make you mine
No matter what it takes

He finishes the last line whispering it into my ear making me shiver.

I look at him biting my lower lip. The stupidest goofy smile is stamped onto my face.

I'm about to do it, I'm letting go of worries and forgetting about the rest of the world. It's just me and Austin.

I'm leaning in closer to his lips that I can't stop starring at, and his eyes widen but then close as he starts to move in as well.

"WE LOVE YOU AUSTIN!" thousands of cheers and screams are spread through the hall way. Which causes Austin and I pull away from each other.

As girls start to crowd around him I start being pushed back. Away from Austin and at the back of his monster fan girl mob.

I feel like my heart has been tossed to the side after that. But why should I be upset. We're not officially together.

I go back to my locker getting my bag and start walking in the other direction that Austin was in.

Suddenly I feel a strong hand grab my hand and starts running forward.

My savior, Austin Monica Moon.

We're running to the parking lot trying to get away from screaming fan girls. I'm sliming like a goofball.

He looks back at me, "Come on Alls you gotta be faster than that." He says.

He stops on our way, "What? Did you really think I was just gonna leave you there?"

I shrug not knowing what to say.

"Never Ally." He says taking my hand and starts running out again.

He then drove me to my house, "Are you going to stay?" I ask.

"Um. I don't know if I should." He says.

"My family's not home. They're out for the night. They wanted to head up to Palm Coast for a little." I explain.

He nods and then comes inside with me I decided to make another move and grab his hand in mine as we go in.


Austin's POV:

Ally has the smallest hands, they're so small and delicate. I place a soft kiss on one of them and she smiles at me.

We go inside the kitchen and I start taking out pots and pans, and other stuff.

"What are doing?" She finally decides to ask.

"I'm gonna cook for for." I say as if it the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ally where are the knifes." I ask after I have no luck finding them.

"My step father put them in in that drawer, but they're locked up. Only he has the key. I can't go near any thing sharp." She sighs looking down.

"Oh right. I'm sorry." How could I be so Stupid!? Some times I wonder how stupid am I?

I walk over to her, "Why don't we just order a pizza. I can also go out and get some sodas, and a movie to watch." I suggest.

She nods her head and a smiles grows back in her face.

She orders the pizza and I then go out to get what we needed.

I decide on getting cherry, root beer, and grape soda. Then I decided on a whole bunch Disney movies.

The Loin King, we both LOVE that one. Also Lilo & Stitch. Tangled, and Alice in Wonderland.

I was paying for the stuff when these two girls walked up to me. A brunette and a blond.

"Hi, you're Austin Moon." Says the brunette.

"Yeah I am." I say.

"Can we have you're autograph?" The both ask in unison.

"Yeah sure." I sign the blondes white t shirt, and the brunettes note book, and I take a few pictures with them.

"Thank you so much." They say again.

"No problem." I say.

"So are you and Ally officially together now?" The blond asks.

Great here we go again, "Not officially. We're taking things slow."

Then they start gushing, "You and Ally are so cute together. It's just to adorable!" She brunette cheers. "We're huge fans of Auslly." She says.

"Auslly?" I question.

"That's yours and Ally'a celebrity couple name." The blonde explains.

"Don't take this the wrong way but I thought you guys were gonna tell me that Ally was no good for me. Or some thing like that."

They looked at each other shocked, "What!" They both say.

"It's just there's a lot of girls at my school. Who are anti Auslly I guess you could say." I explain.

"Those girls are just crazy jealous. You and Ally are so perfect you can see how much you guys really love each other."

Wow amazing how these girls what me and Ally to be together so badly.

"We could tell form the very first pictures that came out. Like last year when you gave Ally a piggy back ride. Also you two walking out of a restaurant. So cute." The blonde rambles on.

Wow they really are Auslly fans. I remember when I gave Ally a piggy back ride last year. Really long time ago, she hurt her ankle so of course I helped her.

"It was great meeting you two. I actually have to go see Ally now."

I left the store with things in my hands and getting into my car. It didn't take ling to get back to Ally's. I parked in front if her house, I saw a car pulling out if her drive way.

Okay a little weird. Probably not though, it could be one of her family members checking up on her.

Must have been a long drive from Palm Coast, I thought to myself.

I stepped into the house since the door was open. I set all the stuff in the kitchen.

"Alls! I'm back!" I call out to her but nothing yet.

I go to find her but don't even have to try. I walk in the living room and see her there. But some things not right. She's pacing back and forth her hands on her head, I can hear her whisper things to herself.

It's a little strange whisper and very hushed and rapidly fast.

"Alls. Hey, you okay?" I ask getting closer to her.

"I can't take it I can't. It's too much I just can't handle it any more." She says in her whisper.

Okay I'm really scared now. "Ally what's going on." I say pulling her I'm my arms.

What makes me worry even more is how she rips herself away from me. As if I was poison or some thing.

"I can't handle it! It's too much!" She bursts out yelling making my heart rate increase.

"Ally, calm down it's gonna be okay. I'll help you" I say getting closer to her to take her hand in mine. My heart breaks as she steps away from me in fear.

It's kills me inside to see the girl I love in this much pain. Tears pouring down her cheeks. Eyes red, her hair a mess as she runs her hands nervously through it.

She then runs into the kitchen and I quickly follow her.

I find her in the kitchen desperately trying to open the drawer that's locked up.

"Ally what are you doing!"

"I have to Austin okay! I just have to!" She screams when she can't open the drawer. Then I can see in her feared eyes that she gets an idea.

I'm really scared to find out what that idea is.

She runs to the cabinets pulling out two glass cups. Then she throws them hard against the marble floor. Pieces shatter across the floor making high pitched sounds.

Ally then grabs a handful and runs upstairs.

"Ally don't! PLEASE!" I run after her nearly slipping in the glass and make a dash for the stairs.

"ALLY!" I can't let her do what I know she's trying to.

I burst through her door catching her as she's about to dig the glass into her skin.

I grab her waist and try to pull the glass from her hands. Shes holding on tight and I think it's actually cutting into her grip.

"ALLY LET IT GO!" I beg for her to do so.

"NO! I have to, I can't take it I just have to. Pleases Austin please!" She says trying to get out of my grip. She screams kicks but I refuse to let her.

"Ally please stop!"

"I can't. I'm not strong enough! I'm too broken!" She cries as she holds in tighter to the glass.

I pick her up and pin myself on top of her on her bed. She tries to break free but i keep my hold on her. I manage to take the glass from her hands.

"Why! Why couldn't you just let me?!" She cries.

I pin her by her wrists. Looking her right in the eye, "Don't you get it Ally? I can't let you. I LOVE YOU! I can't let you hurt yourself I have to try to protect you! Help you! I'll go insane if I loose Ally! I love you." I hold her petite body tight in my arms as I cry into her neck my tears falling on her skin.

I grab her tightly kissing her neck forehead, cheek. "I love you, I love you. Please don't leave me." I cry into her neck and I feel her arms around my back tighten.

I love his girl too much. I can't lose her, please God don't take her away from me. She helped bring back life to me when I lost my brother. I want to help her.

I love her, I want to help her, make her happy. I want to marry her one day, have kids, grow old together. Ally will die one day after me peacefully in her sleep of old age.

Not like this. No, I'm gonna make sure of it. I will help her be able to fly like re beautiful song bird she is. She'll no longer feel like a caged bird any more.

"I love you." I say as I kiss her neck softly feeling her beautiful skin under my lips.

She then whispers,

"I love you too."

Austin and Ally FF (Fixing the Melodies)Where stories live. Discover now