Austin 27: break down

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This can't be happening. My worst horrible nightmare had come true. How?

I get to her room, I'm hesitant to turn the doorknob, nit ready to see what might be in the other side. But I do, I swung the door open. And every part of me feels numb.

I feel like I was stabbed in the heart, I fall to my knees with tears racing down my face. I can't breath. I cant,

Why Ally?

Ally's POV:

Where am I?

I have no idea. But I like it here. It's warm, calm. I can hear music. It's really pretty. Like violins and soft guitars. There's a pretty light every where I look.

I feel like home when I'm here. It's like all the bad things don't exist in this world. I should stay here, I like it here. It's peaceful, and very beautiful.

Like a place I've always dreamt of. It really looks like one of my dreams.

I'm in a big beautiful garden with perfectly cut grass, lots of flowers and tons of trees. Butterflies and birds. And there's a big tree house where I can live from now on. And it's filled with instruments.

Out in the grass by the river is the most beautiful wooden grand piano. I sit down to play music. It sounds better than any thing in the world. Better than a million dollars or any other amazing thing.

And on a rocking chair to the side is my one and only wonderful dad who listens to me play. I play the keys gently.

"That's really pretty sweetie." Dad says.

"Thank you daddy. I was thinking of, him, when I wrote it." I say feeling sad as I spoke those words.

He sighs, "Do you miss him. And the others?" He asks, and I nod. "Then go back."

I pause and stop playing, "You mean leave here, and leave you?" I begin

to let tears fall down my eyes.

He nods, "Yes."

"Dad, no. I can't leave, I don't want to leave you."

"I know it hurts honey. But of have to. You're not meant to be here yet." He answers.

I cry even more knowing that he's right, "But I'll miss you."

"I know. Sweetie I miss you too." He says before he gives me a hug. Man I miss those hugs.

Austin's POV:

I'm staring at the pale face of a beautiful angel. Pink lips and soft brown hair. Soft skin, a small body.

She's so beautiful. Probably the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

I'm about to step into her room, but I feel and hand tug on my arm and pull me back.

"Austin." Josh says

"What are doing?" I ask, " I need to go in and see her." I say shoving him away.

"Austin no." He says, "Visiting hours are over. You really need to go home now and sleep."

"What? Do you honestly think I'm going to be able to sleep! Ally's here, this is where I need to be!" I yelled while crying.

"Austin costing hours are over. I know you have to see her right now, but you can't. Sara wants to give you some thing your partners want you home." He sighs, "Austin please?" He says.

"I just, I don't want to leave her." I cry, I go to give him a hug. He hugs back.

"I know buddy. But you can't right now. You need to go home. The important thing is." He sighs.

Austin and Ally FF (Fixing the Melodies)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon