#11: He's Sick (Your P.O.V)

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Sal: "I think we should go out for some Thai food tonight. What do you think Y/N?" "Sure, sounds good," I agreed and got dressed. The food was delicious. Sal clearly knew what the best food to order was because everything was to my liking. Once home, he started feeling sick and curled up on the couch with a blanket "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked him. "I think I got food poisoning..." he groaned in pain. I didn't know what to do. I started massaging his stomach hoping it would soothe the pain. I don't know if it actually work because thirty minutes later Sal was sleeping soundly.

Brian (Q): My best friend Brian had a theatre play almost every Saturday and he always made sure he reserved a seat for me. I loved seeing him act. It was one of his many talents and I knew how much he cared and appreciated it when I would come and watch him. The scene was going well. His character was fighting another, but all of a sudden a powerful kick caught him off guard and went straight to his stomach. He fell to the ground and his understudy took his spot. I hurried backstage to make sure he was okay but he wasn't. I drove him home, making sure to talk a lot so that he wouldn't think about his pain.

James (Murr): Everyone in The Tenderloins crew had an intestinal virus causing everyone's stomach to be upset. Rehearsals stopped and James was in my care, being his best friend and all. I would rush to the pharmacy as soon as he needed anything, make sure he only ate a small amount of food because he could barely retain anything and made sure he was warm. When he got better he almost didn't want to leave my house. "Nurse Y/N, you've been the absolute best. If you ever get sick I'll make sure to exchange the favor." he smiled and kissed my cheek, leaving me flattered and wanting more.

Joe: It was a Sunday morning and I usually got up before Joe but something didn't seem right. He never slept past twelve so I went to check on him. I lightly tapped his shoulder and realized he was awake after all. "Babe?" I asked, not sure why he looked so sickly and tired. "What's happened? You've never slept so long since the tour ended." He moaned and mumbled in response. Unclear on what he said, I leaned closer and heard him murmur, "Maybe, I'm a girl, cause it feels like I've got cramps," I quietly laughed but quickly made him some soup. "I don't know if it will help but at least it's something." He drank the liquid and when he was done, he invited me to come back to bed to cuddle.

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