Letter 8: Invisible Exs

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Hey guys!

Here's another chapter! Don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Thanks :D 



It was so awkward. Undeniably awkward. I'm getting chills and goosebumps just from cringing at that moment. It was just so undeniably awkward! 

For her. 

Yup, Max, King of Awkwardness did not attract awkwardness to this situation. That's a first for me. I mean, there have been so many awkward moments for me . . . like that one time that guy grabbed my hand thinking it was his girlfriend's . . . 

Not today, though, not today.

Jessica and I were walking in the mall yesterday, in air-conditioned goodness, holding hands like the dating couple we were. She was smiling and I was talking as we frolicked around the food-court. Until a random guy came up to us.

He pushed up his hipster glasses and fiddled with his fedora. A fedora, in doors, mate? Really? Recognition flashed on his and Jess's faces and I matched things together. Boy, girl, awkwardness - I got the drift.

His toothy smile beamed at us, extending a hand, he said in a mildly deep voice, "It's good to see you again, Jess. Hi, we haven't met before, I'm Lachlan."

HIs green eyes glared at me, despite that wide smile plastered on his pale face. I managed to push out a decent smile, or so I think. 

"I'm Max, Jess's boyfriend."

His eyebrows jumped so high they crawled into his hair. Jess squeezed my hand. Had I said the wrong thing? Lachlan nodded, mumbled something inaudible and departed.

Jess gave a sigh of relief and I just wanted to ask millions of questions about . . . well that guy.

A minuted later, in the crowded food court - filled with people we know from school, work, family affairs and just the general 'hood - was a scream. Well, more of a shout really. It trembled, low and deep until the boy who spoke's voice broke.

"You said you were a lesbian!"

He was glaring straight at us before scurrying off to some hidden hole. People laughed and mumbled but after the amusement had died down, the curious stares dropping to the floor, I asked Jess what the hell was going on.

"We met at tutoring, okay? He asked me out and I said he wasn't my type."


"And what? I guess he thought I was lez, or something like that. Obviously, though, I don't swing that way! Besides, boyfriend? So you're my boyfie now?" She smiled that charming little smile and I blushed.

"Well, what else should I say, 'Special Friend'?"


"Do you have any gum?"

"Lemme check," I replied, plunging my hands into the depths of this airy pockets. My hand grasped around something cool and . . . familiar. It had resting there for a while now. "Sorry, nope." I found no gum, but I did get reminded of the key.

I peered at it. Locker 880. Should I go? Wouldn't that be kind of unfaithful, but? I mean, I know she likes me . . . Derek's words replayed in my head:

"Come on, dude. Stop leading her on."

If I . . . no, that wouldn't be leading on. That's just pure curiosity getting the better of me. So, should I let it get the better of me?

Something, or someone, bumped into me, jolting the key out of my hand. 

"Hello, boyfie!"

"Do you seriously have to call me that? You know, there was once a time when I responded to the name: Max, coolest man in the world," I said, a whimsical, over-dramatic expression on my face.

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