Letter 6: Lovers? Just Friends.

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Wow, wattpad goes under makeover every couple of months. :D But that's alright, it's all cool. Anyways, what's not cool? Me neglecting you guys! Really long time since I've written. I've been meaning to, honest. Anyways, enough of random rambling from moi. Here is Chapter 6! I hope you enjoy it, love it, vote for it, comment on it - thank you!



 'I heard you're going to go ice-skating. It's a shame Derek pulled out. I'm just glad I'll be there, too. Wow, I sound like a stalker. That's just really creepy. Sorry. Anyways, I can't wait to see you. Maybe you'll see me?


I didn't see L. If I did, I didn't know it.


I didn't like her in that way, just to clarify. Not that I'm saying she didn't lift up my spirits, but I no longer had a crush on her anymore. I only liked L because she liked me. See, I didn't even know L. Heck, what if she didn't exist and is just some part of brain making me hallucinate because I'm so lonely? It's out there, but I've heard of it. I'd say we're Just Friends. I just don't know how to break it to her. 

Or, you know, who she actually is.

Chris and Carey are together now. I mean, together, together. They have that whole newlywed-can't-keep-hands-off-each-other vibe. Well, not vibe, exactly. It's more a . . . verb? It was hilarious because they were even told off in assembly for it:

Mr. Smith: 'The high school student lovers who were being extremely and superciliously amorous the other day, behind the main hall, are to be aware that the younger students can and will see you. Maybe at another place - not at school, children.'

Oh, Jess and I laughed at that. We were sitting next to each other when we heard this and since I know her and Carey sit near the main hall I knew. I just laughed. And laughed. Heck, I even pointed at Carey and Chris in Ancient History, and laughed.

All the girls squealed when Carey told them that her and Chris were together. She would casually flick her dark hair over her curvy shoulder and give them this intense 'be jealous' look. The girls would all lean in like seagulls watching, waiting for you to drop a chip. Then she'd tell them and they'd squawk and squeal - like seagulls do. All I overheard was:

Carey: Well, we started off as just really good friends. Then . . . I don't know, it just happened I guess.

Girls in English: Ahh! That is soo cute! You guys are so cute. Awgh, you're so lucky, Carey!

Me: Holy crap, girls, calm down.

Well, okay, I didn't say that aloud because then they'd lynch me or something. The girl species still fascinate me. I mean, they squeal like birds on drugs every time a new couple arises. Or hiss like snakes, not all of them fancy the idea of people being happy.

What gives?

I'm not saying this out of jealousy, either. I'm no hissing snake, basically. I'm truly happy for Carey. Sure, she was my first crush but from my observations (read: I don't stalk her, so I'm not too sure) Chris is her first boyfriend. Which is really nice, I guess. Nice for her.

"Yo, lover!" Jessica called, elbowing me 'lightly' (so, really, she elbowed me as if I was just about to steal her purse).

"Lover? Really?" I chuckled back.

"Lover! It's the new in-thing, Max, did you not know?" she joked, her one eyebrow raising so high it was unfair. I mean, I can't do that. It's truly a skill. "I mean, are we not high school student lovers? Are vice principals even allowed to say that? Seeing as how lovers basically means people who are doing each other?"

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