L-Chapter 16: Even from yourself."

Start from the beginning

I followed behind him as he walked out, he had the best exits. 

Lorenzo eventually lead us to the dinning room and then called in the servers. It was like a scene from Beauty and the Beast. Even some low classical music played in the back ground. 

"Thank god, dinner is already cooked." Jen grinned and hummed as she stuffed another spoonful into her mouth. I rolled my eyes, "and Madison was nowhere near this kitchen." 

"Hey!" I protested. 

I heard Logan's deep laughter and looked at him with a betrayed expression. His eyes crinkled with laugh lines and his mouth tugged into a handsome grin. The scruff growing on his face gave his eyes that much more attention. He looked so happy. 

"Madison," I hummed a yes as I got a rather large forkful of the pasta and gobbled it, "what's that on your finger?" Seb asked. 

I froze with the noodles still hanging out of my mouth and looked up, "what?" even though it came out muffled with noodles spilling out. 

"How had I not remembered before now!" Jen screeched. 

And no, I still hadn't slurped in the noodles. Or moved at all. 

"You said yes!" She screeched. 

I finally jerked awake which resulted in my choking on some pasta. 

I heard Logan's deep chuckle again and I narrowed my eyes at him. He had his body turned to me and rested his cheek on his knuckles, watching me with amusement. I drank some water and gasped for a breath. 

"You know what sir cuddlebuns? You suck." 

His eyes widened with amusement, "nicknames don't embarrass me. So go ahead, love." 

"Your missing the point!" Jen screeched jolting me away from Logan. "Did you say yes?" 

I looked at her like she was dumb, "Of course I said yes."  That's when the room erupted into hysterics and I'm not talking about the twelve of us. But it seemed like everyone else in the castle heard and cheered. 

"A royal wedding to plan!" I heard multiple voices shout. 

"Dismissed!" Lorenzo shouted once and waited until everyone cleared out then simply said, "I'll take care of everything and take the finished choices to you." Then walked out. 

I looked back at Logan, "I blame you lovemuffin." 


Logan's view: 

I was woken up by the sound of women talking animatedly. I cracked open my eyes to see Madison giving Jen, Parker, and Rachel an annoyed expression they seemed to ignore her and continue talking. 

"I thought Lorenzo was going to take care of everything and I was just going to say yes or no." Madison gave a confused yet exasperated expression. 

"But it's your wedding, you should go all bridezilla and everything." Jen said matter of factly. 

"I will, but on the day of. I hate being so ... -zilla all the time. It's tiring and shouldn't we be focusing on you? Jen you're pregnant for fuck's sake." Madison smiled. 

Okay, I really don't want to be here for girl talk anymore. I groaned and shoved my face into Madison's pillow. "Do you have to be in here?" It came out muffled. 

They all giggled, "sorry they all just migrated in here." Madison gave me a sheepish grin while the others didn't seem so feel sorry at all. 

I sighed and sat up. I stretched my muscles while I got up. 

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