It says: y/n, don't have breakfast yet. we're going out somewhere - dan <3

You gently unstick it from the box, putting it carefully in the pocket of your pyjamas. You close the cupboard again and pour yourself a glass of water instead, sipping it and daydreaming.

Your fingers brush over the piece of paper in your pocket, reminding you of Dan's plans. Just then, you feel a pair of arms of your shoulders, surprisingly not making you jump.

"Did I not scare you?" Dan says disappointedly, moving his hands to your waist and resting his head on your shoulder.

"Nope," you reply. You dip your fingers in your glass of water and turn around, flicking Dan in the face and making him squeal like a scared child on a ghost train.

He wipes his face with his shirt and glares at you, walking over to the sink and wetting his fingers with the water from the tap. Before you can comprehend what's happening, you get a faceful of cold water.

"It went in my eye!" you complain, laughing.

"That's what she said," Dan replies swiftly, grinning at you as you roll your eyes.

You manage to wipe most of the water off with the back of your hand, cringing at the feeling of the water droplets running down your face.

"I'm going to go and have a shower," you say to your boyfriend. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay," he replies, lightly tapping your nose and walking out of the kitchen.

*le time skip*

Washed and dressed, you quickly do some makeup and style your hair, and then put on your necklace that Dan got you. Finished with that, you sit down on the bed and pick up your laptop, getting distracted by funny gifs of animals on Tumblr.

A while later, Dan comes into the room and sits behind you. Once he sees your screen, on which a gif of an elephant doing popular dance moves is showing, he laughs. He rests his head on your shoulder.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks.

"Yeah," you reply, closing the lid of your laptop and turning to face him. "Are you?" you question, looking at his unruly brown curls on his head.

"Yeah... what are you looking - oh s***, my hair!" he says, looking genuinely in panic.

You laugh softly. "I like it."

"I look like my eight year old self again," Dan complains, lifting a strand of his hair up slightly, then dropping it again. "I'm going to go straighten it... I'll be back in a few minutes."

You roll your eyes at him and laugh as he leaves the room. "Okay."

You turn your eyes to your laptop again, lifting the lid and scrolling through your Tumblr feed, occasionally reblogging certain posts.

True to his word, Dan comes back a few minutes later, his hair straightened and styled like it normally is. This time, he has his shoes on, and is carrying a black jacket in his hands.

You smile at him and close your laptop's lid once again, putting on your shoes and hooking your arms through your crutches. You grab your bag and follow Dan out of the flat, pleasantly surprised by the warm air outside.

He waits for you on the pavement as you go slowly down the steps with your crutches. Over time, you've noticed a difference in how you're walking. It doesn't hurt as much to walk now, and you find yourself relying less on the crutches for support, which is great.

When you reach the bottom, Dan links his arm with yours and leads you over to his car, opening the passenger door for you as you get in, closing it behind you. He gets into the driver's seat, igniting the engine and reversing out of the parking space, then driving down the road.

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now