Pizza and a Close Call

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Your eyes open slowly as you attempt to properly wake up without your eyeballs being seared by the sudden light. You quickly realise your head is resting on Dan's lap, and you jolt upwards in panic, ready to apologise.

Dan looks up from his phone screen, looking a bit startled and puzzled from your sudden movement. However, his surprised expression melts away and is replaced with one of fondness.

"Hey, sleeping beauty," he says softly, looking like he's repressing a laugh.

Now it's your turn to look puzzled. "What's wrong?"

"Your hair is, um... stylish after your nap," he replies, chuckling.

You put your good hand on top of your head and start patting around on your hair, trying to determine how messy it is. Dan laughs at your worried face.

"Here, let me help," he says, raising his hand and carefully fixing a piece of your hair. He makes eye contact with you and suddenly moves his hand away, blushing and muttering an apology.

There's a few moments of silence, then Dan clears his throat. "Phil came in a few minutes before you woke up to say he's going to order some pizza, do you want any?" he asks.

"Yeah, of course! Pizza is amazing!" you say enthusiastically, eager to express your love for the food.

Dan laughs, standing up and offering you his hand. "Come on then m'lady, your dinner awaits!"

You laugh at him and take his hand, standing up somewhat shakily and limping your way across to the door, still holding his hand for support - or at least, partly for support and partly for the nice feeling of holding someone's hand.

Suddenly you do another noisy yawn, making your ears pop. You hear muffled laughter, and you look at Dan in mock anger. He looks guiltily back at you, removing his hand from his mouth and smiling.

"You're mean. Don't laugh at my unique yawns!" you say indignantly, lightly punching him on the shoulder... with your sore hand.

You quickly let go of Dan's hand and cradle your injured one instead, letting out an exclamation of pain. "Crap. Crap. Crap," you say repeatedly, trying to calm yourself down.

"Are you okay?" Dan asks worriedly.

"You've probably asked me that question 5 times in the past few days," you tease. "I'm fine, it was just a bit sore."

He chuckles at your joke, but soon looks serious. "If that stupid landlord hadn't attacked you, you wouldn't have a sprained wrist, or a sore ankle. Or a split lip," he says, his eyes cast momentarily towards your lips. "None of this would have happened." He sighs.

You're slightly surprised by his strong feelings about the matter. "That's true, but if none of that had happened I might have continued to live there and be oblivious to his abusive nature. You also wouldn't get to be concerned for me all the time," you reply, smirking at him.

He dramatically puts his hand on his heart, acting offended. "Maybe if you didn't keep injuring yourself I wouldn't be concerned."

"Of course you wouldn't," you reply sarcastically with a laugh.

You both get to the lounge, where Phil is dishing out some pizza slices onto his plate. He looks up as you come in.

"Hey," he says warmly, smiling at you both. "I wasn't sure which pizzas you liked, Y/n, so I got vegetarian, margherita and pepperoni. I hope that's okay."

You smile back. "Of course, thank you! It's quite cold in here... I might just go back to my room to get a jumper."

"I'll go get one for you if you like," Dan offers. "You should probably rest your ankle as much as possible."

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