Romance in Italy - 21

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Heavy applause filtered through the closed door of my dressing room. The thunderous noise jolted my attention back to the real world, where I'd been idly sprawled on the floor, reconsidering my rash action. What had I just done? It took a while for the impact to hit and once it did, my worries peaked. The scenarios swarming around were insanely wild and I had to forcibly pushed them out. I'd half hoped that Sam hadn't received the message but I knew that didn't happen considering just how rotten my luck was. 

After I'd pushed myself off the floor, my stomach churning slightly, and lumbered out the door, I immediately spotted Sam fighting his way backstage. I cursed my stupidity and pushed my way through the thickening crowd. Everyone was gathered around the two main actors, congratulating them on their hard work and spectacular performance. Judith was beaming at the compliments she'd received while Eddie looked noticeably pale and uncomfortable. 

I craned my neck, trying to spot Ashton but he was nowhere in sight. I bit my lips and glanced over my shoulder, where Sam was inching closer and closer to the stage. Farther back, a mass was also gathered around the directors, some talked with either of them directly while others lingered aside, nodding and smiling. 

"How's your stomach?" Someone asked. 

I turned my head slowly and tipped my neck back. Ashton was towering over me, looking rather intimidating and once again, I thought of Sam, who was barely twenty-five feet away. "It's getting better." I replied truthfully. "I'm sorry I didn't get to see the show." 

Ashton shook his head and placed his hand on my shoulder. I stared at him, stupefied. A few days ago, he would barely say a word to me and now he was offering me his solace. It was beyond strange. "Don't apologize. It was out of your control." 

I nodded slightly and said, "Right."

A moment of silence settled over us but unlike all the other awkward break in conversation, this one was actually nice, comforting, and real. But it didn't last long. Our heads simultaneously whipped to the side as we both heard his name being called. A exasperated sigh escaped his lips as his gaze zeroed in on Judith waving her arms wildly, shouting out his name. 

"Have fun." I said jokingly. Ashton shot me a look of pure amusement before wading his way through the crowd. I didn't know if it was his superior aura or his intimidating stride, but they parted and gave him a wide berth as if he were a king. 

Almost immediately, Eddie and Max took his place. They both looked pale and bluish, a result of the make-up that adorned their faces. "You guys look like corpses." I said once we had stalked off a little ways off the stage. 

"That's because we're supposed to be corpses, genius." Max replied, rolling his eyes. In their costumes, they both looked ridiculous. Wearing green, skin-tight tights must've been emasculating. 

I opened my mouth to remark a witty retort when I finally noticed John's - the director - attempts to catch my attention. "I'll be right back." I murmured to my friends. I quickly maneuvered my way through the throngs of people gathered at the edge of the stage before striding down the red velvety carpet placed right down the middle, separating one side of the audience from the other. 

To my absolute horror, John was currently in an animated conversation with Sam, who was responding just as much enthusiasm. I spun back around, hoping neither of them had seen me. Unfortunately, John had and he called me back. "Grace!" 

I heaved a sigh and plastered a smile on my face before whirling around slowly. My steps were agonizingly slow and after an impatient beckon of his fingers, John returned his attention back to Sam, gesturing wildly with his hands. 

Romance in ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now