Chapter 12

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Author's Note: Ok, well, here is chapter 12 :D you guys are so kind with votes and comments!! Don't stop lol. Everyone who likes the teenage mutant ninja turtles are officially my friends :P BEST friends haha XD I want to thank every single one of you for reading this story and giving me feedback :D feel free to inbox me or kik me (kik on profile) if you have any suggestions or questions, or really anything!! Thanks so much!!


Chapter 12

All Rights Reserved

*Raelin's POV*

Everyone is sitting around my table, which usually can only fit four. We somehow got everyone a chair and sitting comfortably at it. Turns out it can fit twice its size!

"So, you guys are ninja turtles?" my mom asks trying not to sound awkward, but she does. That's just who she is.

"Yeah! We were mutated by the Kraang!" Mikey shouts as he shoves a whole slice of pizza into his mouth at once.

"Mikey, she doesn't know who they are," I explain.

"They're these alien robots with brain thingies in their chests! They're trying to destroy and invade Earth, but don't worry, we will stop them!" Mikey tries explaining, but the look on my mother's face says she doesn't really understand.

Leo and Raph explained to me who they were at the lair. They literally described every villain they've ever faced. It's somewhat boring.

"Ok, yeah, that totally cleared away all the confusion," Raph comments sarcastically.

"What? It made sense to me..." Mikey responds.

"Ok, anyway, this pizza is really good, Miss Brown," April jumps into the conversation trying not to overwhelm my mother.

"Thank you. It's my secret recipe," she says like she always says. She always likes to tell people it's a "secret recipe" even though she got it off the side of the box. That makes me chuckle a bit.

"Well, your home is also very lovely," April says again when she sees Mikey open his mouth.

"Thank you, April, is it?" my mother responds.

"Yeah," April simply replies.

"So, you go to school with Raelin?" my mom asks and April nods.

"Yep!" she exclaims.

Dinner goes on with Mikey asking and saying some weird stuff, but I think my mom got the memo that he does that a lot. She seems a lot more comfortable with them than before, so that's always a good thing.

"Well, it looks like we better get going," Splinter informs his sons.

"Awwww! Her pizza was the best pizza ever!" Mikey complains.

"Come on, Mikey, they need sleep," Leo explains to Mikey.

"Fine, but we'll be back," Mikey states matter-of-factly. Then, he heads into my room along with Splinter and his brothers to exit through the fire escape. 

Now it's just me, my mom, and April.

"April, don't you think you should be heading home, too?" my mother asks not sounding rude at all, which is something she was probably afraid of doing.

"Yeah, I'm tired! I'll see you in school tomorrow, Raelin," she says goodbye for the night and heads out the front door. My mom and I wave bye to her.

After April leaves, my mom begins doing the dishes without any words as if their presence was completely normal.

"So, mom! How do you like them?" I ask awkwardly trying to create conversation. I knew it was past my bedtime, but for some reason, no words wasn't all right with me. I needed some closure that my mom was ok with these guys before I went to bed tonight.

"They're great folks to be around. I'm proud of you for not turning your backs on them, Raelin. Despite their looks, they're amazing!" my mom enthuses.

"Ok, so that means you're ok with them. Awesome! That's all I needed, mom," I explain and give my mom a hug, something I haven't done in a long time. "I love you."

"I love you, too, honey," she hugs back willingly and even though my shirt is pretty thick, I can still feel tears from her eyes drenching my shoulder. "Sorry," she apologizes when she realizes she's getting my shirt wet.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. I'm glad we can talk again. I missed that," I explain and she nods.

"I did, too," she admits and lets go from me. "Goodnight, sweetie."


I walk to my room and slip into some pajamas. I take my glasses off and set them on my desk so I can wear them tomorrow at school.

With no Taliyah, I wonder how different everything will be.

*Raph's POV*

"Raphael," Master Splinter says my name as he enters the living room of our lair.

"What did I do this time?" I ask out of habit.

"Nothing. I wanted to speak with you about Raelin," he explains and I laugh it off.

"Of course, sensei," I reply and follow him into the training area. 

"She has the ability to become a kunoichi, did you know that?" Splinter informs me and I smile. I knew Raelin would be able to handle this.

"Well, she can handle a lot," I respond and smile, a dorky smile, I must add.

"I want you to ask her if she would like to train with us. Her skills prove useful to help us defeat the Kraang, Shredder, and anything that stands in our way. Do you understand?"

"Hai, sensei!" I reply and bow respectfully. 

I walk back into the living room to witness Leo watching Space Heroes again. Gosh, that show is the stupidest show ever. Why does he waste his time on that? "Stupid show," I mutter and Leo looks over in my direction.

"Shut it," he mumbles back and continues watching the dorky show.

I get comfortable on the couch and begin thinking about everything. Raelin is going to become one of us. I'm too excited for words. This is everything I've secretly wanted. She's my everything.

I absolutely can't wait for tomorrow.

*Raelin's POV*

*the next day*

I wake up to my alarm clock and get out of bed quickly. For some reason, I have a good feeling about today. With Taliyah gone, there isn't one thing that could stand in my way. Jessy, Haidley, and Carrie wouldn't have the guts to be mean to me and risk an expulsion.

Well, I get changed into regular clothes and slip on my glasses. I brush my teeth, comb my hair, and wash my face to get ready for the dday ahead.

"I'm off to school, mom!" I shout as I'm about to walk out the door.

"Ok! Good luck, honey!" she shouts back. 

I smile, then walk out the door.

I finally reach the school building and see April just now arriving as well. "April!" I shout and she turns around.

"Raelin!" she shouts back and waves. She then runs over to me. "Ready for today?"

"It depends on what's gonna happen," I admit and she smiles.

"Don't worry, with Taliyah gone, you'll be all right," she comforts me.

"I'm sure you're right."

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