Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

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*Raelin's POV*

As I walk into school, I feel a little awkward. What would happen if people knew I think that I have a crush on a turtle? That'll definitely ruin my reputation. I can't tell anyone. Not even my closest friends like Carrie and Haidley. They could say something to Taliyah and I mean, it's embarrassing.

Then again, that turtle saved me. If it weren't for him, I would probably be dead or still on that street wishing I was dead. There are so many possibilities. 

"Raelin. Are you all right?" Carrie asks while her and Haidley come running over to me. They crowd me as I try to put my stuff in my locker.

"Yeah, but I say we call off those walks, I mean, they're pointless anyway," I state and try to keep a straight face. I have no intention on giving up the walks. Not now, anyway. I just want to walk alone. Who knows? Maybe I'll see that turtle again.

"Yeah. They were always so pointless," Haidley agrees and smiles. "Well, let's just say, Taliyah has it in for her."

"Wait, why?" I ask confused, but then I see Carrie's annoyed expression.

"Don't mention that slut's name," she snaps.

"Taliyah was caught on camera kissing Carrie's boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend," Haidley explains.

"Well, Carrie, you're with a new guy like all the time. Why does it matter?" I ask and she scoffs.

"This boyfriend broke the record of how long I have ever stayed with a guy. He was mine for a whole 24 hours," she states defending herself. "And I really thought we were going somewhere."

"Well, we gotta get to class. You're so lucky you have Study Hall first period," Haidley concludes as she and Carrie headed off in different directions. I close my locker when a girl walks in front of me.

"Hi, Raelin!" she exclaims. I recognize her, but I don't know her name.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I ask taking a step back.

She has red hair, like brighter than Carrie's hair. And she has bright blue eyes, but not as blue as mine, of course. I have the most blue eyes in the whole school. That's why a lot of girls envy me.

"I'm April," she replies and holds out her hand. I shake it unwillingly and force a smile.

"Well, April, I have to go to Study Hall," I explain as calmly as I can. She looks like a complete nerd.

"Look, I think we can be friends," she adds. "And I have Study Hall as well."

"Fine. We can talk, but don't expect us to be best friends or anything," I state and she smiles.

"Thank you," she manages to say through her excitement. I might as well talk to her for the next 50 minutes. It'll make her day.

We head to Study Hall and we take our seats near the back.

"So..." I state trying to remember her name. "May?"

"It's April, but you were close," she responds and I nod.

"April," I mimic.

"I want to know a little bit about you. I want to be an author when I grow up and I wanted to base a character in my story off of you," she explains and I have a feeling she isn't telling the truth, but I just nod in agreement.

"All right," I state after a few moments of thought. "Ask some questions."

"How would you describe yourself?" she asks and she's listening.

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