Chapter 4

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Author's Note:  

I know I've kept you waiting for a long time to update...I'm sooooo sorry. But, now you guys can have Chapter Four!!!

Chapter 4

All Rights Reserved

*Raelin's POV*

I arrive home around 6pm, which means I have about 3 hours alone to myself. This is weird since usually on days like today Haidley and Carrie would be trying to get me to go somewhere. There are good things about that not happening and there are also bad things. My popularity could go down if I'm at home alone on the weekend.

Gosh, why do I keep thinking about that?

My phone then buzzes signaling that I have a text message. It's from Haidley.

Raelin!!!!!! do u wanna go get some pizza with me and carrie?

My fingers begin typing so I can reply to her.

Sure, but u know my curfew

I hit send and plop down on my couch. Haidley and Carrie don't have curfews, so it's annoying to them sometimes when they have to get something "popular" done by 9pm.

UGH!!! cant u just break the rules?

I shake my head and laugh to myself. At school, acting like a rebel is one thing, but at home? No way. My mom would kill me. She doesn't even know I go out on the weekends. If I'm not back by 9, she'll think something bad happened and I can't afford that.

No, haidley i am a good daughter

I hit send and a few seconds later, there is a knock at my door. I know instantly that is either Haidley or Carrie.

I answer the door to see an upset Haidley.

"Really, Raelin?" she asks slipping her phone into her pocket.

"Well, I don't want my parents to worry about me," I explain and Haidley nods trying to understand where I'm coming from.

"If Taliyah finds out, I'd watch your back. She could twist some things and get the whole school to hate you or think you're not as bad as you say you are," Haidley warns.

"Look, Taliyah is just someone who wants to ruin my life," I explain and Haidley laughs.

Haidley pulls out her phone and starts laughing. "She's doing a fine job."

"What are you talking about?" I ask and she hands me her phone showing a picture on Taliyah's Instagram. It's a picture of April and me talking earlier today. The caption says Raelin is now hanging out with a dork, which makes her a dork. @Rae_Raaee_

I pull out my phone and look under my Instagram notifications. Sure enough, it tells me that Taliyah posted that picture of me. I begin reading some of the comments.

@Jesyyyss_grll: OMG!! Who wouldve thought Raelin would stoop so low?

@_Taliiyahh_Meiirg ikr, grl! maybe raelin isnt as amazing as we thought.. @Jesyyyss_grll

@xxFayFayxx omg, why would she hang out with April? is she that desperate for new friends?

@Carrie_Berry @xxFayFayxx she better not be! I'm the best friend she ever had!!

@_Abbalope__ @Carrie_Berry we all knew she wouldnt stay friends with u

@Carrie_Berry @_Abbalope__ and why is that?

@_Abbalope__ @Carrie_Berry take a look at the pic!! Raelin was never fit to be popular anyway... we all know she's secretly a goody-goody and a nerd. She has straight As for crying out loud!

@xxFayFayxx @Carrie_Berry @_Abbalope__ yeah and i heard that she has a curfew.. how lame is that??

@Carrie_Berry @xxFayFayxx I guess ur rite..

@_Abbalope__ @Carrie_Berry dont be upset bout losing her...

@_Taliiyahh_Meiirg @_Haidleyxx what do u think bout this?

@_Haidleyxx ehh she probably needed help on a school assignment or something.. I dont believe Raelin would waste time on April..ew

I look and Haidley smiles at me. "Look, I know you wouldn't hang out with April willingly unless you absolutely needed to. There, I solved all the problems. We can explain that to Carrie at the pizza place," Haidley explains and heads for the pizza place down the corner.

"Right..." I mumble under my breath and follow her. I did need to talk with April, but it wasn't for school or anything like that. It was because of the notes. Taliyah saw me talking to her. I wonder if she saw me get in the sewer. That would've been a little bit harder to explain.

We arrive at the pizza place and see Carrie sitting at one of the booths already. Haidley and I sit across from her.

"Raelin! Why were you associating with April?" Carrie asks.

"School," I lie. "We were paired up for a project and I needed to know what font to use when I typed up the report." I add a smile to help them believe that.

"Ok!" Carrie exclaims and starts going off about something when Taliyah enters the shop.

"Raelin!" Taliyah shouts running over to us. "Just the girl I wanted to see. May I speak with you privately?" she asks so sweetly. If you didn't know how mean she was, you would mistake her for a girl who is sweet and nice.

"S-Sure," I stutter a little bit then move my feet to get out of the booth. I don't know what Taliyah could say. It could be anything.

We head towards the front of the store. She then pulls out her phone.

"Raelin, I was walking towards a clothes shop to meet up with my friend Jessy, right? Well, while I was on my way, I noticed you and April speaking, so I, naturally, took a picture and posted it on Instagram, but I saw you go into a sewer as well," she explains and I bite my lip.

"Taliyah, I have no idea what you're talking about," I lie and she can tell. I have to get out of here quickly. I can't tell her why because she would tell everyone.

"Well, you don't need to tell me, Raelin, but if you don't do the favor I want you to do for me, I will tell everyone and I have a picture for proof," Taliyah explains in a sinister tone.

"Umm...?" I manage to say.

"Just do what I ask," Taliyah demands.

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