Chapter 16 (Stiles)

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On the next day I was much better. Still Derek wouldn't let me go to school, so I stayed a day at his. Not that I complained about a day with Derek. A Day we obviously spend mostly in bed. I also called my dad that day. He was really worried, because I didn't came home last night and also didn't contact him. I was happy I finally could tell him the truth. Maybe not the whole truth. But I told Dad that there was some serious werewolf business going on and the pack had needed me. I just left out the part with me being nearly beaten to death and ditching school today. If I would tell him I also would have to tell him about the Mate-thing and I just wasn't ready to tell him yet.

When the pup's came back from school I had already made dinner.

"Hey, Pup's." I greeted them, but they acted off. Normally (as far as you could call it normal and I still wondered when all this werewolf stuff got 'normal') they would be all happy and smiling and saying that they missed me over the day. But today they were all kinda depressed, kinda frightened even.

"Derek." I called out and he came to see if everything was alright. Actually I just called him, because this seemed serious so the whole pack should know. "What happened?" I asked Boyd, who looked like the most collected one, like always. "It's the Twins from the Alpha Pack. They're students at Beacon Hills High now!" Erica answered me, slightly panicking.

I looked over at Derek, but he just had the same facial expression that I had. What the hell was that Pack planing?

"But they didn't attack you?" Derek ask and the pup's shake their heads. "And you didn't attack them?" I asked and the faces of my pup's were answer enough. They didn't do anything, but they wanted to.

"Whatever they want, we should wait till we know more. I already said it yesterday: We have no idea how strong or how many they are or what they want. Right now everyone of us should keep their head down. Of course when they attack us I want you to defend yourself, but don't give them a reason to start a war. The last thing Beacon Hills need right now is a war between two werewolf packs!" After my little speech the pack got quite.

"Buy they hurt you ..." Scott said.

"You heard Stiles: we don't want a war. If we start one now many of us will get hurt. Probably even outsiders will get hurt then." Derek now put his foot down and the pup's left it.

The next day I was much better and back in school  just to see one of the twins in my first class. It got even better. The Guy sat down right beside me. He even leaned over to me. "How's it going? I hope the wounds don't hurt too much." The Guy grinned wickedly and in his voice was not even a hint of sympathy for me. I was pretty sure that he was the guy who hit me, while his brother watched.

"Aiden, by the way." The Guy said reaching for my hand to shake. I let my hands slip under the table so we couldn't shake hands. I even heard Boyd growl at Aiden. I gave Boyd a warning glare and Aiden laughed a bit, but I didn't really understand what was so funny.

Later that day I walked with Isaac to my next class. I had nearly every class with at least one of the twins. So I quickly found out that the other twin was named Ethan.

As far as I could say they were both psychopaths. But Aiden seemed to be more short tempered and more violent than Ethan. In general Ethan had more brain matter than his brother.

Out of nowhere I saw them and tensed. They stood in the middle of the by now empty hallway (Isaac and I were a bit slow) and the twins gave us the best wicked grins and flashing red eyes they could manage. That was all it needed for Isaac to go nuts. Seriously this guy!

Aiden smile got even wider. "Shut your face." I snapped at him, but to my surprise his smile disappeared. Maybe because of Isaac's fist in his face, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure.

Of course I ran to Isaac to get him off of Aiden. Seriously we were at school every moment a teacher could ...

"Stilinski! Lahey! What are do you think you are doing?" I heard Mr. Harris. Slowly I closed my eyes, just to turn around and stand in front of an angry chemistry teacher.

Aiden got up on his feet with Ethan's help. I get why neither of them fought back, they just wanted to make us fight so we would get into trouble, those assholes.

"Detention for both of you!" I was lucky it was just detention. My dad would be furious, if I would get suspended.

That incident pretty much explained why I later was sitting in a little room together with Isaac to restock the janitors supplies. "That suck's." Isaac stated and I gave him a death glare. "You would have killed him in the middle of the hallway without any hesitation, if anybody would let you."

He even looked a little bit guilty. A good part of being a mother - you can make anyone feel guilty, especially your pup's. 

Isaac turned his back on me, his head down and mumbled. "They hurt you, mom."

"But I'm fine now. We shouldn't rush into all of this. We need a clear head." I explained.

A moment we kept doing our tasks in silence.

"Are the others home, yet?" I asked trying to start a normal conversation. Isaac smiled at me like he know what I tried to do. "Allison, Erica and Lydia are shopping. Jackson and Scott are at training, but I think Boyd went home."

"When we come home, I will make dinner. What do you want?" At this words Isaac turned around looking with shinning puppy eyes at me and saying. "Your homemade hamburgers!" I laughed.

"Sure. I can ..." But I couldn't finish the sentence, because the door shut close and all colour left Isaac's face.

He tried to open the door. It didn't work.

He tried to kick in the door. It didn't work.

Isaac got more and more desperate. It was like I could feel it. His breathing quickened and his claws came out.

Lightly I touched his shoulder as careful as I could. "Isaac. Everything's fine I'm here." I whispered.

Yellow eyes met mine, when Isaac turned around. He growled. "Isaac. It's me. Stiles. I'm not that monster you grew up with." I seriously refused to call Isaac's biological father anything near father or dad. After how he treated Isaac he wasn't worth being a father, but Isaac had another Dad now. "Isaac. Repeat: Your dad is Derek." I waited. "Dad. Derek." He managed to say. "Your Mom ..." I couldn't even finish the sentence.

Isaac broke down in my arms. He sobbed and didn't managed to get out anything except "Mom.". He cried till the door get ripped open.

Jackson and Scott stared at the crying Isaac in my arms. "The twins captured us here?" I asked my other two pup's and they nodded slowly. It nearly seemed like they had more respect for me than before, maybe because of my dangerous low voice.

It took just a few minutes for Isaac to calm down after we got out.

"They should pay for everything they did to the pack." Scott says through gritted teeth, his eyes switching between Isaac and me. "I know how we can take pay-back. They want to play pranks? I think nobody told them that I'm really good at that." The wicked smile on my face lighted the mood of the others too.

On the next day we would get the twins in a little bit of trouble.

When we made our way back home, I began to explain my plan and tell the other three what they needed to do tomorrow.

We wouldn't start a war, but I will not sit around and watch those Alphas bully my pack. It is my duty as pack mom to protect my pack. No matter what Derek says, I know it is.

Becoming A Mate ~ A Sterek / Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now