Chapter 1 (Stiles)

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An Alpha doesn't choose his/her Mate like in an human marriage. The Mate also can't be chosen by a third party.

In the whole lifetime of the Alpha, he/she will only have one potential/actual Mate.

This Mate can never be the potential or actual Mate of more than one Alpha.

Basically every Alpha has a Mate. But the Mate can die before the Werewolf becomes an Alpha, mostly the Alpha and the Mate are never going to meet.

Not many Alphas find their Mate, the most find love with someone else.

When an Alpha and his/her Mate meet they fall in love with each other.

- Paragraph from the Bestiary, Chapter: Alpha's Mate

I was still half asleep when I walked into Coaches' class. It was still the first week of school and I couldn't wait for the next holidays to begin.

"Hey, Stiles.", Boyd said casually and sat down behind the desk right next to mine. I gave him a short nod as a greeting. Therefore I even thought I saw a smile on his lips at my sleepy behaviour, but I wasn't sure.

Boyd was the only one who had first period with me and he wasn't really a talkative person, so I was really lucky. Sometimes first period was just way too early to deal with all the werewolves at once.

I scrawled down a few notes, but in the end I started drawing the symbol again.
Drawing the Symbol was something I sometimes did because I was bored, sometimes to just calm myself down a bit.

Nobody ever noticed it, actually I never wanted for anybody to see it. Besides I tried to find out on my own, what it meant, but I found nothing.

The Symbol was actually a Tattoo. A Tattoo which appeared on my back half a year ago and since then spread out over my upper back. By now it looked really strange. At the beginning it was just a black point, now you could clearly see two spirals. It was nothing dangerous. I didn't knew why, but I instantly knew that the Symbol was something good.

Still I really should talk with someone about the Symbol. I should talk to Derek.
Why to Derek? - Because the Symbol began to look more and more like his Pack Symbol. Ok, I maybe also wanted to talk to him because I hadn't seen him for some time now and I missed him.

I just couldn't tell him that I wanted to see him. That would be a funny conversation: 'Hey Derek. I wanted to talk to you, because I miss you. By the way I am deeply in love with you.'

It would also be a very short conversation. No way Derek would let me live after something like that.

I looked down at my Paper and just realized that I wasn't drawing the Symbol anymore.

All over the sheet were little hearts and I also had written Derek's name on the paper over a hundred times. I blushed and quickly turned the sheet. Boyd looked over at me confused and a little bit worried, when he saw me behave so strangely. I just gave him a calming smile and he was satisfied with that.

In my mind I let out a sigh. I shouldn't act like some lovestruck girl. That was one of the reasons I had no illusions that Derek maybe for some really strange and impossible reason would love me back. There was just no way the big bad Alpha-Sourwolf would love a little skinny lovestruck human being.

When the bell rang I got out of the classroom and went to my locker.

The rest of my day was like all the other school days before. I was bored in class, I talked with Scott and the others from Derek's Pack about some not important stuff. We also talked about the Alpha Pack that maybe was in town, but nobody had seen them or heard from them. I was sure they had passed the town, but a few of the werewolves weren't so sure about it.

After Lacrosse Practice I was waiting for Scott, Isaac and Jackson. They needed ages to change! Isaac was a bit surprised to see me waiting and then following him and Jackson. They were both part of Derek's Pack and spend most time at his loft (at least they told me it was a loft now). Scott was also part of Derek's Pack, but not like Jackson and Isaac. All in all I still didn't really got how that worked with the whole pack-thing, so I tried not to think about too much. "What are you doing?", Jackson asked me interrested, when we were near the parking lot. I was still surprised, that Jackson lost his cocky attitude against me, after he became a real werewolf. "I was hoping I could drive behind you to Derek's loft. Need to ask him about something." I said hopeful. And for some unknown reason Isaac giggled. "I can give you a ride.", Jackson offered. I glanced over to my car. "Oh, don't worry, I can bring you back here, when you are ready talking with Derek.", he offered and I nodded.

I got into Jackson Porsche to my surprise slipped Isaac in the backseat to let me sit shotgun. Scott on the other hand drove off with his motorcycle in the same direction we were heading a minute after Scott was gone.

When I first stepped into Derek's loft I wasn't surprised. This place just seemed to fit Derek.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Derek's gruff voice and saw him walking down the stairs. "We are here like ... all the time!", said Isaac with a lot of sass in his voice. Derek was now downstairs and in front of us. "I meant him.", he said and was pointing at me. Ouch! That hurted.
But I was a Pro in hiding my feelings. I was in love with Derek since I first met him. By now I had a lot of practise.

So I just rolled my eyes at him. "I need to talk with you about something important." I said. One of his eyebrows raised. "I'm here now, so start talking." I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do this, but then I just turned my back to him, faced the other three werewolves and pulled my shirt up.

At first I wasn't sure how Derek reacted, because he wasn't saying anything. After half a minute I got cold and pulled my shirt down again. The three Betas all wore expressions of total confusion. Probably because they had no clue why I had pulled my shirt up in the middle of Derek's loft. It was still silent. Then I heard Derek's voice.

I never heard him speak like that. He sounded shocked. "Since when ... do you ... have it?" I turned to him. His handsome face was a mask like always, but I knew there were thousand thoughts going through his head right now. I shrugged with my shoulders. "Like half a year, maybe a bit longer."

"You three get outta here! Now!", he screamed at the Betas, his eyes flashed red and they weren't questioning his order. Even if I was sure, they never wanted to leave me behind like this.

Becoming A Mate ~ A Sterek / Teen Wolf FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now