23: Mixed Signals

Start from the beginning

"What did they say?"

"You're right. They're just keeping an eye out on his wound. He's in a sling, apparently."

"Sheesh. He won't be able to play for awhile, will he?"

"Doubt it. Coach is about to head over in a bit to pay him a visit and speak to the doctor."

"I'm so grateful for him right now, Steph. I really don't know how I could thank him." She said as the tears built up in her eyes.

"Aw, baby. Come on." He wiped the tears that managed to escape her eyes. "You know I would never leave your side."

"It's all my fault. I'm sorry for not listening to you, Steph."

"You're just too nice." He joked, pinching her cheek. "Don't apologize. What's done is done. We can all learn from it. Just thanking God we all got out of this one."

"I know."

"You know you're gonna have to talk to the cops soon."

"Y-yes I know." She stuttered, not wanting to remember anything from last night.

"But that's for another day. Come on, your mom is outside waiting for you." He signaled for her to follow him into the waiting room. Sooner or later, she was engulfed by her mom's arms, the tears quickly dropping from her mother's eyes.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Mama tucked a strand of Alyssa's hair behind her ear. "Did he hurt you badly? How did this all happen?" She examined her wounds.

"It's a long story, mom. I honestly don't remember much about the incident, but he did hurt me."

"Um, let's please not get into all that before I get all worked up." Stephen chuckled nervously. 

"How's Klay doing?" 

"We're waiting to see him."

"Okay, well. Let me know how he is. I'm going to head home so I can help your mom and dad with the twins and give them a break. You guys come over as soon as you can, alright? Don't stay home tonight." Alyssa simply nodded as the two hugged Mama before she was on her way. After watching Mama leave the department, Stephen turned to Alyssa, gently cupping her face and pulling her into a deep kiss. 

"What was that for?" She blushed.

"Just me showing you how much I appreciate you." She closed her eyes at the touch of his lips against her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Are you hungry?"

"A bit."

"You want some good ol' hospital cafeteria food?" He said sarcastically as he smirked. 

"Don't really have a choice, now do we?" She chuckled. The two made their way to the cafeteria, finding simple sandwiches and snacks they could eat for the mean time while waiting for Klay. Though the two sat in silence and pushed the negativity aside, they both had lingering thoughts about the incident. Steph was determined to keep his family extra safe from now on, plotting on things he could do to improve their home so he wouldn't have to worry about leaving Alyssa and the twins alone. Alyssa, on the other hand, was scarred from the incident. Even if Christian was out of their way, she didn't imagine being in this position. She never thought Christian would take it as far as beating her the way he did.

Let alone damn near kill her fiance and someone who was like a brother to both her and Steph.

She could only imagine how hard it would've been if things turned out differently. God really had their back on this one. And the two were forever grateful. No words could explain.

"Mr. Curry? Mr. Thompson is ready for you two. He's in room E-904." Dr. Louie said, coming out into the waiting room. Stephen simply nodded as he grabbed Alyssa's hand before making their way over to the room. Inside, Klay was lying comfortably in the bed, eating jello and watching whatever was on TNT.

"Oh, hey! My favorite, token interracial couple." He smiled, happy to see the two. Alyssa and Steph chuckled before accompanying him by his bed side.

"How are you doing?" Alyssa asked, slightly pushing in front of Stephen to check his temperature with her hand and examine his arm. 

"Nurse Alyssa making an appearance." Stephen added.

"I'm doing fine, Alyssa. Relax. I should be asking you." Klay arched his eyebrow at the sight of her bandages. 

"I'm a tough girl, I can handle it." She chuckled. "Thank you. For.. everything." She said almost at a whisper.

"Don't worry about it."

"You heading home tomorrow?"

"Yeah. My arm's pretty sore. The cut was deep, so they're just trying to make sure nothing goes wrong with it. Like infections and such."

"How long are you about to be out for?"

"They didn't really say. I guess I'll find out through coach. Is he here yet?"

"Haven't seen him."

"Well, guess I'll find out when I find out." He scraped the insides of the jello cup to get every last bit.

"Did you want some real food? Doesn't seem like the jello is doing you justice there."

"Nah, I'm cool. I haven't had a big appetite--"

"Klay! I'm so glad you're okay!" The three turned to the door, surprised to see Sheri. "Alyssa, Steph! What the hell happened?!"

"It's a long story."

"Well you need to let me know now before I take my ass to the county jail and visit Christian myself." She hurriedly ran to the other side of Klay's bed, feeling his forehead and caressing his cheek. 

"Mmm, we'll give you two some time." Stephen said slightly pushing Alyssa towards the door, feeling awkward as he caught the two exchanging looks. 

"Sheri, what are you doing here?"

"It's all over the news! What happened?"

"Long story short, he was going for Stephen and Alyssa. I couldn't let him do that."

"Fucking crazy ass, I swear he's going--"

"Relax. It's all good. He's taken care of." Her face softened, running her hand gently down his arm.

"Does it hurt?" He winced at her touch.

"It's painful, not gonna lie. But I'll be alright." He said, watching her sit down on the chair and break down. He scrunched his forehead, confused as to why she was acting this way. He was just getting over her and Shaun and now, she was sending him mixed signals.

"Ugh, God. Don't ever scare me like that." She buried her face in her hands. He sighed, scooting over to make some space on the bed.

"Come here." He said softly, patting the bed and signaling for her to lie next to him. She willingly accepted, allowing Klay to put his free arm around her as she lied comfortably next to him. "I'm not going anywhere, alright?"

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