Say You Love Me: Chapter One

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Chapter 1:

I was so excited! Summer holiday was finally here, I can do whatever I desired to do.

"Darling me and your dad have signed you up for summer camp where you'll meet people from across the world that speak English- of course" mom said nudging me jokingly and laughing her head off. My grin faded, everything I had planned to do with my friends before we went our separate ways and started college got crushed. What the hell am i supposed to do there? In my point of view this is what camping added up to:

SummerCamp Me= Trouble

I clearly had no input in the decision made, as soon I opened my mouth my dad held his hand over my mouth as if he knew what i was going to say.

" And there are no objections" he said looking at me sternly. Am I really that predictable? At the corner of my eye I saw some suit cases sitting by the door.

" why are there 2 suit cases at door right now?" I asked againsts my dads palm.

" oh they're coming for you tomorrow... Isn't that the first thing I told you?" mom asked curiously with a raised eyebrow, coming close to my face examining my eyes. I jumped backwards uncomfortably just to see my family all grinning. Are they trying to get rid of me? I swivled round on my heels and started to leave the room.

" awkward", I whispered to myself making me laugh. I wonder if they were all still watching me. I didn't bother to turn and look cos it was actually kinda scarey. I'm a 17 year old, who's parents still treated like a kid and technically make all the decisions in my life...

Entering my bedroom I noticed it was almost empty. Where are all my things? I walked to the bed just to see a note on my pillow, it said:

By the time you read this we'll be far, far, far away. We are going to live with brazilians! And learn how to speak portugese!

P.s. There is a plane ticket to America. We will meet you there(maybe), if not then find a friend and ask them to go and have a sleep over at their place.

At the bottom of the paper it said: Love from Mom. At that point I knew my family hated me! I heard the front door slam! Seriously? They are actually leaving me, I thought this was a joke. I layed down on the bed, blank headed. Until everything started to disappear and I started sleeping.

-next morning-

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I looked at the screen. It was mom! I wasn't in the mood to talk but I answered the call anyway.

" hello stranger" I said my voice heavy with sleep.

" oh my god! You're not ready to leave yet are you?" mom asked. Ready for what, what is she talking about?

" huh? What do you mean ready?" my mind cleared. I forgot about the frigging camp! I was so doomed. I quickly tried to change the subject-

"what a beautiful day it is mother" but completely failed.

" get dressed- NOW!" mom shouted and cut the call. I walked over to the bathroom and did what I would on any other day. When I had finished I went and put on a pair of acid washed jeans, a red crop top and red platformed heels. I looked real nice, then i remembered where I was going... Still why should I change? I put on makeup and put my hair into a messy bun. As soon as I finished I heard a knock at my front door. They were here. Here to take me away to a camp! I ran down the stairs holding my make up and hair accesories bag(s) and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed a packet of cookies and went to the front door. Turning the handle slowly a man pushed the door open and asked if I was charlye, I nodded and he picked up my luggage. Damn I nearly forgot the plane ticket! I quickly ran back into the house and looked at the computer table. There it was; I finally felt like an adult. I felt grown, I was finally going to do something alone. I exited the house and locked the door securely before following the man towards the mini bus. It was actually pretty nice but i still dreaded going there.

I entered the bus expecting to see a load of kids... But to my surprise it wasn't. It was packed with people my age! What a weird sight. I went and sat next to a girl at the back. I smiled at her as I sat down beside her. She smiled back.

" hey I'm charlye" I said holding out a hand. She grabbed my hand and said

" nice to meet you I'm kayla"

" so why are you at summer camp?" she asked. I sighed.

" Its a looong story." I said making her laugh. I explained to her what happened and she just laughed hard and clenched her belly. I'm pretty funny.

"So you're not coming here for any bad reason? So unlucky! My parents made me have a choice and i said yes cos it seemed sooo interesting... How old are you?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

" 17 you?" I said.

" I'm 17 too but damn are you short" she said. I glanced at her and threw her a fake smile. We continued to talk until we were finally there. I checked my watch, it was about 10:32am. We had been talking and sharing jokes for about 2 hours and a half whilst the rest of the Coach were fast asleep. Kayla was really interesting and She was alot like me so I figured we would get along pretty well.


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