Chapter 32 (Epilogue)

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Venom's pov

Chocolate. We needed chocolate. It was chocolate or someone's brain, which we didn't want to go through the trouble of getting. We hadn't had any chocolate in days. We were too busy with Iris. Our plan had went perfectly. We killed her. Parker had tried to stop us but he couldn't. Of course not. He was no match for us. Neither was his red and black friend. Now we just needed him to break and then we could destroy him and take over New York...and maybe even the world.

We entered a corner store, went to the candy aisle and began to pick up as much chocolate as we could hold. That wasn't too much. We were feeling a little unwell. Our strength was plummeting. Without Phenethylamine, we were slowly dying.

We went to the register and put all of our chocolate down on the checkout counter. The cashier looked at us funny.

"Is that all you will be buying today sir?" she asked. She had a strong New York accent.

"Yes," we replied.

She shrugged and began to ring our chocolate up. We picked up a bar and opened it. We sank our teeth into the candy. We ate it quickly. By the time we were finished with it, we were starting to feel better. The cashier gave us another weird look.

"You must really love chocolate," she said with a small chuckle.

"Oh, you have no idea."

She put all of our chocolate into a white plastic bag.

"That will be $18.57," she said.

We took our wallet out of our back pocket and pulled out our credit card.

We swiped our card and returned it to our wallet. She took our receipt and put it in the bag.

"Thank you, sir. Have a nice day."

We took our bag. As we began to leave, a small tv above the cashier caught our attention.

"...the woman wishes to remain anonymous. No one knows how but the man's blood healed the woman's injuries after the huge explosion from a bomb that made a hole in her stomach caused her many fatal injuries. Is it some sort of hoax? Find out tonight at 9pm," said a news reporter.

"Crazy right? How did she heal so fast?" asked the cashier.

As soon as we heard the details on the tv, we were shocked. Iris. She was ALIVE. It had to be her.

"How is she alive?" we asked angrily.

"Maybe it's a miracle," she said, not noticing the anger in our voice.

We left.

Eddie's pov

We need to stop her once and for all. We need to destroy her.

"No! No...I can't," I said. I fought back against the monster who was making me do bad things.

She's our ticket to finding Peter and finishing him, once and for all.


I couldn't kill someone. I couldn't-we couldn't-I mean-we mean-

Remember what he did to us? He embarrassed us. He took our life away. All of our hopes and dreams. We hate him. We hate him. We can make him pay. All you have to do is say yes.

He took away OUR life. It was true. He ruined everything.

"I'm in," I said.

Good. Now before we kill her, we have to find her.

"But first we need to find out what was in that blood that made her heal so quickly. And most importantly, who gave it to her."

Yes. Very good. Very good.

"I can't wait to get my hands on her again."

Yes, WE can't wait.




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