Chapter 9

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Deadpool's pov

On an apartment rooftop...

"Wow, these are really good," said Iris.

Me and her were sitting on the edge of the roof I had been eating on earlier. She was surprisingly brave for someone without a healing factor. I liked that.

"I tried to tell you when we first met. They have the best damn tacos in town! Better than any Taco Bell, although I do like Taco Bell," I said.

She looked down at the car filled streets below. Her baby blue eyes reflected the light perfectly.

'She's so beautiful,' said white box.

'She's okay. I've seen better,' said yellow box.

"Are you serious? She's sexy," I said aloud by accident.

"Hm?" she asked.

"What?" I asked.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said.


I knew she had heard what I said and understood by the way she looked at me with a hint of a smirk. She shook her head.

"Careful, Wade. I have my taser," she said.

I let out an awkward laugh. I returned to eating my taco. That made me feel much better.

"So, why do you always wear that suit and mask?" she asked.

"I messed up. I was experimented on..." I said through a mouth full of tacos.

"Do you ever take it off?" she asked.

"Not really. When I shower, of course. And if I'm spending a night with a hot woman or something else, I may take it off."

She let out a small guffaw.

"You really are something else."

She took another bite, making an audible crunch.

"So, what's the story of your life?" I asked.

She swallowed her food before answering.

"I was born in 1991 in Queens. I grew up in a nice home...but not with a nice family. We were as dysfunctional as a family could get. My mom and dad were alcoholics and my dad was very abusive. If it weren't for my two older brothers, I might have died. They were my caretakers. Until they turned 18. They moved away, leaving my 14 year old ass to fend for myself."

She paused.

"Between 14 and 18, I had to deal with my sorry excuse for a life. I was abused almost everyday by my d-dad. I ran away almost every week. I wouldn't be gone for long though. I never had enough money to last. I didn't have anywhere to go. So everytime I came crawling back home. As soon as I turned 18, they kicked me out. They didn't care if I would be homeless. They didn't care about anything."

A tear fell down her cheek. She wiped it away and shook her head.

"For 1 year, 1 FULL year, I lived on the street, sleeping in dumpsters and homeless shelters. Being hungry almost all the freaking time. Always being dirty as hell. I just wanted to disappear. I almost did give up on everything. That is until I heard about a job opening in a newspaper at Nitch Inc."

"You work at Nitch Inc?" I asked.

"Yes. I had came for an interview. I expected to be turned down since I was dirty and smelled like garbage. But Ty--Ty Nitch-- he gave me the job. He helped me find an apartment. He helped me get back on my feet."

She put the rest of her taco in her mouth and ate it.

"And that's the wonderful life of Irene Orlando."

"Wow. And I thought my life sucked," I said, crossing my arms.

She stood and yawned.

"Thanks for the tacos, Deadpool. I think I'm going to go home now. I'm tired," she said.

I stuffed the rest of my taco into my mouth and stood up too.

"You want to jump again?" I asked.

"No, I can take the elevator or stairs. But thanks for all the fun. See you later," she said.

She waved and walked away. I sat back down and looked at the illuminated buildings of the city.

'I feel bad for her. She's really been through the wringer,' said white box.

'I guess I do too. I wish I could teach her deadbeat parents and lowlife brothers a lesson. I'd love to shoot or slice them up,' said yellow box.

'I think I actually agree with that,' said white box.

'Wow, you do?' asked yellow box.

I sat there doing nothing but watching the city for another 3 hours. After that, I finally decided to get up and leave. I was going to go to Pete's place. I needed to talk to him.

I jumped from the building and landed on my feet, which took all the impact of the fall. They broke. I fell over and groaned but then laughed as they soon healed. That never got old. I stood and headed for Pete's place.

When I arrived, I climbed up the side of the building and entered his apartment through Pete's bedroom balcony doors. I opened the doors, closed them back and walked to Pete's bed. He was asleep. cute. I sat down on his bed and poked his cheek.

"Pete, wake up. Come on, wake up."

He stirred a bit. I tickled his neck. He laughed softly.

"Stop," he said.

"Pete, wake up. It's me, Wade. Wake up."

He slowly opened his eyes.

"What?" he asked sleepily.

"Wake up, Spidey."

He yawned and sat up.

"What are you doing here so late?" he asked.

"I need to talk to you about someone, sweetie," I said.

"Don't call me sweetie. Who do you want to talk about at this time of night?" he asked.

"Well, there's this girl who's so sexy that I was hanging out with. She's the girl I told you I saved," I said.

"You saw her again?" he asked.

"And yesterday too. I've saved her 3 times now. She's like a trouble magnet," I said. "Anyway, we shared tacos and talked. It was nice."

"So you woke me up at...11:03pm to tell me about a girl?" he asked. "As if you don't tell me enough about your girls."

"That's the thing. She's not just 'one of my girls'. She's different," I said.

Pete covered his mouth and started to laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"Wade, are you saying you're in love with her?" he asked.

"No! Never," I said.

"Yeah right."

"Look, I'm not in love," I said.

"Okay Wade. I'll leave it alone. Only because I'm sleepy. I'm going back to bed," he said.

"Can I sleep with you, Petey? Please?"

"No, absolutely not," he said.

"Not that way, although I wouldn't turn it down if you asked. Can we share the bed? The floor is too hard."

He sighed and handed me one of his pillows.

"Thanks Pete," I said.

I put my pillow down and laid my head down at Pete's feet. I tickled them.


"Alright, I'll stop," I said.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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