Chapter 23

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I told Venom all about Peter's schedule. I told him everything he wanted. The last thing I wanted was to get tickled again. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Thanks for all of your help, Spider-Girl," he said.

"My name is Iris!" I shouted.

"Spider-Girl is better."

He got off of me and left, leaving me in the dark again.

Deadpool's pov


We had been searching for hours. But there was no sign of Iris at all.

"This is pointless. She's nowhere to be found," said Peter as we sat on top of a building roof.

"We can't give up. She's got to be somewhere. She couldn't have just disappeared," I said.

"Well we've checked all over New York," he said.

"Maybe we should double check," I said.

"Wade...I think we should just give up."

I stood and backed away from him.

"How could you say that? No! No! We're going to keep looking!" I shouted.


I pulled my gun out and pointed it at his chest.

"Hey! Put the gun down! You're losing it!" he said.

"I can't lose what's already gone," I said.

"Wade, this is ridiculous! Put the gun down and talk to me," he said.

'Shoot him! I bet he wants her dead,' said yellow box.

I began to pull the trigger. But before I could all the way, he shot a web at the gun and sent it flying down below. Then he lunged at me, forced my hands together and secured them with his web.

"I'm sorry but I had to," he said.

I struggled to get out of the web.

"Wade, there comes a time when you have to face the facts. She's gone. That's that."

He shot a web and left. I took a knife out of my holster and cut myself free. I was so angry. Not even killing was going to make me feel better.

'She's gone. Oh well, who needs her? Just find someone else,' said yellow box.

'Maybe Peter was right. Maybe you should just accept that she's gone and forget about her,' said white box.

But...But I think I might have actually...loved her.

3 days later...

Iris's pov

It was morning and the usual morning rituals took place. Venom came into the bedroom, fed me, brainwashed me a bit and then left. How long has it been? If I counted the sunrises I saw in the tiny window above my head, I got 4. 4 days. 4 days trapped in this place equivalent to hell.

The only time I had been untied from the rope was so that I could go to the bathroom. That's it. For the rest of the day, I was kept tied to the bed, all alone. In the dark.

I was starting to feel like everything was a lie between me and Deadpool. Were we just using each other for our own pleasure? Was what I felt nothing but lust? I didn't know what to believe. My head hurt from all of this thinking.

Regardless of all of this, I needed to escape before Venom put his plan into action. I still didn't know what his plan was but I didn't want to know.

I pulled at the ropes around my wrists and ankles that I had been pulling at for 4 days. They were loosening, but slowly. I'm sure if I put enough effort into it, I would be able to free myself for good.

2 hours 33 minutes later...

I had been pulling at my bonds for a long time now. Even though my whole body was sore, I didn't give up. I was almost free! I couldn't give up. Not until I was free.

I was pulling for so long, I hadn't even noticed that I had freed my ankles. So when I didn't feel anything tugging at my ankles when I moved, I was very happy. Now I just needed to get out of the bonds around my wrists.

"Come on! Come on!" I whispered to myself. He could come in at any moment. I needed to be quick.

I pulled so hard that my wrists began to bruise. But I didn't care. I pulled again. And just like that, I was free.

I jumped off the bed and stood. As soon as I did, my legs ached. They felt like they hadn't been used for years. I stretched before walking towards the door. I cracked it open and looked outside. There were three hallways. They all had multiple doors on each one. At the end of one was something that looked like a living room.

I opened the door enough for me to get out and walked down the hallway to the living room. When I reached it, I peeked inside. No one was there. And there was no door to escape through either. I went back to the door to the room I had been trapped in and picked another hallway. I walked down it. At the end was a small den area. No one was there either. I turned around and went down the last hallway. This one led to a large bedroom. It had a king sized bed and a flat screen on the wall. No one was in there either. Venom must've been gone. That meant I could find an escape and leave.

I turned around and bumped into something. It wasn't a wall. Or anything inanimate. It was Venom. He screeched. I screamed and ran. There was no turning back now.

I opened one of the doors on the side of the hallway and entered. It was a kitchen. Venom followed in after me. He growled at me.

"Surrender now!" he yelled.

"Never!" I yelled back.

He ran to me, grabbed me and threw me into a wall. Next, he picked up a knife from a knife holder and threw it at me. It stuck to the wall. It missed my head, but barely.

I took the knife out of the wall and stabbed him in the chest. He didn't show any signs of pain. Only anger. I dropped the knife and ran out. He followed after me.

The next door I opened took me to a bathroom that I had never seen before. I shut the door, got into the tub and hid behind the white shower curtain. There. Now I just needed to wait it out until-

He opened the door roughly and entered.

"Spider-Girl? We know you're in here. We can sense you," he said.

What could I do? How could I get around this?

Hey, I had a idea. I remembered when I had heard Peter make that high pitched sound in the alley and it made Venom screech in pain. That was his weakness. High pitched sounds. I got up, grabbed the shower head and hit the tub facet. He screeched at the high note that was produced. I got out of the tub and ran for the door. It was now or never.

Sadly before I made it, I was grabbed by Venom. I didn't know how he was so fast but it frustrated me. I jerked around. I kicked the air. I tried to hit him.

"Time to go to sleep," he said.

I didn't know what he meant until I felt something hit my head and then felt everything fade away.

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