Chapter 5

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I was going home. I never wanted to see that man again. As I walked down the sidewalk, I took deep breaths. I needed to calm down before I had a breakdown right there in the empty streets. I hadn't had one in years.

I cut through a somewhat lit alley. Hopefully cutting through the alleys would get me home faster.

When I reached the middle of the alley, two figures popped out from behind a dumpster. By the faint light I could tell they were men. One was young and one was middle aged. They both looked dirty and were wearing all black.

I knew they were trouble. My hand jumped to my gun in my pocket. That's when I realized it wasn't loaded. Crap.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" asked the middle aged man who I assumed was in charge.

"It looks like a pretty young girl," said the younger man. He had a strong New York accent.

"How about you two get lost?" I asked, trying to appear tough.

"Someone's a little feisty!" said the middle aged man.

"We like feisty..." said the younger man.

They began to approach me.

"Look, just leave me alone. I just want to go home. I'm tired," I said.

"Sorry, but we can't," said the middle aged man. "Grab her."

The younger man grabbed me by my arms and pushed me against the dirty brick wall of the alley.

"Get off of me!" I yelled.

The young man pulled out a pocket knife and held it to my neck.

"Shut up, sweetie," he said.

The middle aged man looked at me up and down like I was a piece of meat.

"You know, you are beautiful. But I think I can make you even more beautiful."

He took out the clip that held my straight hair in a bun, releasing all of it down my back.

"Isn't that better?" he asked, stroking my hair.

I tried to escape from the young man's grip. But he was surprisingly strong for his small stature.

The middle aged man removed my coat, my blazer and unbuttoned my shirt but didn't remove it.

"There. Look how great you look! Now time to put that beauty to action!"

He got closer to me.

"Get away from me," I said, growing anxious.

"Not until I'm finished with you, doll," he said.

I lifted my knee and kicked him in his sensitive area. He let go and shrieked. I punched the young man, causing him to lose his grip on me. I started to run. But the young man caught me and pushed me back against the brick wall.

The middle aged man approached me and angrily punched me in the gut. I groaned. He punched me again. And again. And again.

"I don't want to ruin your looks but you're forcing me to."

He punched me again. I dropped my tough girl act. I needed help.
"HELP!" I gasped.

Deadpool's pov

Mmmhhh...pancakes. My favorite! I dug into my leftovers I got from the pancake house earlier on top of a roof of an apartment complex. All of the sudden, I was disturbed from eating when I heard a scream come from the alley below. I sat my food down and looked down at the alley.

I saw 3 figures. 2 were men and 1 was a woman. It appeared that the woman was being beaten by one of the men.

"HELP!" she gasped.

There was something about her voice that seemed familiar. Maybe it was a prostitute I had spent the night with. Or that cute lady I had talked to at the park today.

Maybe I should help her. She seemed to be getting beaten up really badly. She needed help.

'Kill those punks. They deserve it. Make their blood spill,' said yellow box.

'I agree. Kill them!' said white box.

"But I don't even know if I know the girl. And what would I get out of it? Nothing," I said.

'If she sounds familiar, you must know her. And if that's the case, you should save her,' said white box.

'But just in case you don't know her, I suggest you kill her too. You wouldn't want her to report you,' said yellow box.

"You have a point," I said.

'Oh, will you just kill those goons before they kill the girl?' asked white box.

"Alright, I'll go," I said.

I jumped down into the alley. The men didn't notice when I landed. Perfect.

Iris's pov

As the middle aged man kept punching me, the young man grabbed my right breast. He pointed the knife at it.

"Nice. Too bad I'm going to have to ruin them," he said with a sick chuckle.

"HELP!" I cried once again.

As the blade touched me, I noticed a figure appear from behind the men.

"Well, what do we have here?" a male voice asked. I recognized the voice, but forgot who it belonged to.

Both of the men whirled around, taking their attention away from me.

"Who the hell are you?" asked the young man.

"The name's pool. Deadpool."

"Deadpool?" I softly repeated.

"How about you mind your own business and get out of here?" asked the middle aged man.

"I have a better about you leave before I have to make you?" he asked.

"I'm warning you one more time, buddy. Get lost," said the middle aged man.

They turned back to me and the younger man grabbed me by my breast again.

"Alright, I guess we're going to have to do this the hard way. Or should I say, the super brutal awesome way!" said Deadpool.

The middle aged man spun around, pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the chest. He groaned and fell to the ground. But after only a few moments, he stood back up and laughed.

He reached behind him with both hands and pulled out two large swords from his back. Without hesitation, he shoved a sword into each of the two men. They gasped. He lifted them up, cutting deeper into their chest. He dumped them into a dumpster nearby. He returned the bloody swords back to their place.

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