Chapter 26

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"Go ahead, little spider. Say it."

The tentacle stroked my inner thigh lovingly.

"I belong to you. I am yours. That means I will obey you. I will do and say what you want. Most importantly, I will not try to escape. If I do, it is only fair that you punish me," I said impassively.

I believed every word I said. I am their property. They own me.

"Very good. We're very proud of you," said Venom.

I stared at the ceiling with my mouth slightly open. What a nice ceiling.

"So here's what will happen tomorrow. At about 6pm, we'll leave. And then we'll put our little plan into action. Got it?"

"Yes. I understand," I said.

The tentacle ran itself over my exposed abdomen.

"We're going to get Spider-Man. We're going to get him very good," he said.

"Yes, we'll get him."

The tentacle wrapped around my hip. It was cold.

"You're such a good little spider," he said.

"I'm such a good little spider," I repeated.

He leaned down to my ear.

"Yes you are," he purred into my ear.

"Yes I am," I repeated.

I will obey them. I will be passive. I am theirs.

The next day...


Venom entered the room, still in just his suit.

"It's show time, little spider," he said.

He came over to the bed and untied me.

"Stay here. We need to get something," he said.

"Okay. I will," I replied.

He left, leaving the door open. After a few minutes, he returned with something about as big as my head. The item looked like a bunch of red sticks with a clock wrapped around the red sticks. I knew what it was. A bomb.

He pressed the bomb against my stomach.

"Hold this against you," he said.

I obeyed. He shot something black out of his wrist. He used the material to tie the bomb to me. My hands were trapped. But it didn't matter. I trusted Venom. I belonged to him. So when we left and he took me to the top of a building and held me over the edge, I wasn't afraid.

Deadpool's pov


"Don't take it personal. I just needed the money," I said to the corpse of a man I had killed in an alley.

Three police cars sped down the road. Their sirens were on. I didn't think much of it until I saw five more. When two more sped by, I followed them. Two blocks away, they stopped at a tall apartment building. I didn't understand what was going on. Nothing was happening on the sidewalk.

"Oh my goodness! Look! Up on the roof!" yelled a police officer.

I looked up and was just as shocked as everyone else.


Venom was holding her. He was hanging her off the side of the building. Something was tied around her. I wasn't sure what it was. But it couldn't be good.

Why wasn't she screaming? Didn't she know she was in danger? Couldn't she see that?

"Surrender or we will shoot!" yelled another police officer into a megaphone.

"No we can't! We'll end up shooting the girl too!" said yet another police officer.

"IRIS!" I yelled. She didn't look down at me. She just stared ahead.

I needed help. There was no way I could take this monster down myself. There was only one guy in New York who could help me.

At Peter's apartment...

"Peter!" I shouted as I pounded on his door. He opened it and looked annoyed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Haven't you heard? Iris is being hung off the side of a building by Venom! We need to save her!"

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Why would I lie about this? Come on, we need to save her!" I said.

"Alright, alright. Let me put on my suit."

He disappeared into his room. In only a few seconds, he came back out as Spider-Man.

"Come on, you lead the way," he said.

Iris's pov

"Isn't this just great?" asked Venom.

"Yes, it's great," I said.

The tentacle ran itself over my cheek.

"It's going to get even better. Just watch, little spider."

Peter's pov

How did I not suspect Venom? Of course it was him! He's the only thing in New York who would do something this insane! I was going to get him for this. I would make sure I would.

Deadpool's pov

When we arrived back at the building, Iris and Venom were gone. The police was still there but were just standing around.

"What's going on?" asked Peter to a police officer.

"A guy in an all black suit is on the roof. We believe he has a bomb strapped to the female hostage," the officer replied.

"A BOMB?" I shouted. I ran inside the building. I took the stairs to the roof.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Iris. She was sitting, tied to a pole. She stared straight ahead, not even noticing me even though I had entered loudly.

"Iris?" I asked as I walked toward her.

As I reached out to touch her, I was suddenly struck across the face with a pipe. I was knocked off my feet. When I looked up, Venom was there.

"Hey, Deadpool! How are you?" he asked.

I stood up and took out my katanas. I charged at him. At the last second, he hit me again, sending me flying backwards. I dropped my katanas. I nearly fell off the side of the building. But I caught the edge of the roof just in time.

I hung off the roof, swinging about. I pulled myself back up. When I returned, Venom was gone. Iris sat still. Completely still with her big blue eyes open.

After putting my katanas back into their place, I ran to her and kneeled down beside her.


She looked at me, her eyes still wide.

"Deadpool?" she asked.

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