Chapter 28

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Iris's pov

I was back. At least for now. I barely remembered anything at the moment due to the shock I was in. The last thing I remembered was the second time I was punished. By the time it was over, I was gone. I knew I was still damaged in my mind. I felt damaged. I was going to make sure I got my revenge on Venom. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was freeing myself from the BOMB around my stomach that was counting down!


"I'm trying to! It's not as easy as it looks!" said Deadpool.

He cut at the webs wrapped around me. They were breaking slowly. Too slowly.

"How much time is left on the bomb?" I asked.

"THREE MINUTES!" he yelled in a panic.

"Okay, okay. Calm down. Freaking out won't help you. Just calm down and cut me loose," I said in a soothing voice.

He took a deep breath and started to cut again. But the webs just wouldn't break fast enough.

"This is pointless! We'll never get it off in time," I said.

"Yes we will!" he said anxiously.

He cut faster. That didn't make a difference at all.


"I almost got it!"


"Just a few more and then you'll be fr-"

"DEADPOOL, STOP!" I hollered.

He stopped and looked at me.

"It's okay. It's okay if you can't free me," I said.

"What are you talking about? You'll die if I don't get this thing off of you!"

Two minutes left.

"Deadpool. I just need to say something I should've said a long time ago. I love you," I said.

He just stared at me for a few moments. When he realized why I was saying this, he shook his head.

"No, don't start saying your goodbyes to me. Don't you dare. I'll get you out of this," he said.

"Open your eyes! We have less than two minutes left until this bomb explodes! Do you really think you can free me that fast?"

"Yes I can! I swear I can! I'll get you out of this," he said, starting to cut at the bonds again.

Deadpool's pov

I wasn't letting her die. That was out of the question.

"Deadpool," she said.

I ignored her and continued cutting at the ropes.

"Deadpool, please stop," she said.

'Get the bomb off of her you idiot!' yelled yellow box.

'Listen to her. Listen to what she has to say,' said white box.

'Get the bomb off!' yelled yellow box.

'Listen to her,' said white box.





I growled in frustration. My voices were making this even more difficult. I didn't know which one to listen to.

"Deadpool..." said Iris.

"What?" I asked loudly.

"Look at the time on the bomb."

I looked at it. One minute left. I cut even faster.

"Just stop. It's too late. Please, just stop," she said.

I finally obeyed her command. She was right. There was no point left in trying to free her. She was doomed.

"I'm so sorry for breaking your heart. I hope you forgive me," I said.

"Of course I forgive you. You saved me like four times now," she said.

45 seconds left.

"Just promise me one thing," she said.

"Anything. Just name it," I said.

"Promise me you won't ever forget me," she said.

"Trust me, I'd never forget you. You're one of a kind," I said.

She began to cry. I held her.

So this is how you comfort someone I thought.

'I can't believe it took you so long to discover that. You're so stupid,' said yellow box.

I kissed her. She kissed back, her warm tears falling between our lips.

25 seconds left.

Peter's pov

Venom had of course gotten away. It had been a rough fight. I got my ass kicked...again. There were several tears in my suit and I had several cuts all over my body. There wasn't even a scratch on him.

I went back to where Iris and Deadpool were. When I got back, Deadpool was holding Iris. They were kissing passionately. Tears were running down Iris's face. I looked at the clock around her. 10 seconds left.

"Deadpool?" I asked softly.

He didn't hear me.

5 seconds left.

He held onto her tighter. She shut her eyes tightly. A sob escaped from her mouth.

3 seconds left.

"Deadpool!" I shouted.

He had to have heard that. But he didn't look up at me.

1 second left.

Iris shrieked in terror. I knew I would never forget it. That scream would haunt me forever. I jumped out of the way just as the bomb hit 0 seconds.


Deadpool's pov

I closed my eyes as soon as the bomb went off. I couldn't see her blow up. I had seen gruesome things. But it never affected me. This would affect me. She was the love of my life.

My middle had been shredded to pieces. Within about two minutes, my body was healed, leaving my torso exposed due to my suit being torn apart from the explosion. I still had my eyes closed. I couldn't look.

"Deadpool! Help!" yelled Peter.

Was he hurt? Hopefully not. I couldn't lose both of my friends in one night.

Peter's pov

When I saw the aftermath of the explosion, I was alarmed. Deadpool's middle had been torn apart but of course it would heal. But Iris was another story. She laid on the ground limply, with a huge hole through her stomach.

I ran over to her. I checked for a pulse. She had one but it was weak. I needed to get her to a hospital.

"Deadpool! Help!" I exclaimed.

Deadpool's pov

"Iris! She's alive but she needs to go to the hospital!" cried Peter.

My eyes opened. I went over to where Peter was. It was true. She was alive. But a big hole was in her stomach.

"Let's go!" I yelled.

Peter picked her up carefully. We set off for the hospital.

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