Chapter 11

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Peter's pov

I had been sitting on my couch in my apartment, sewing up my Spider-Man suit. In my last fight with Venom, I had gotten a few tears in it. That had been a crazy fight. Out of nowhere, the entrance/exit door opened and in walked in Wade...with a girl! I quickly hid the suit and sewing kit behind a pillow on the couch.

"Hey Spidey!" said Wade.

"Spidey? You mean that's THE Spider-Man?" asked the girl.

"Well he's Peter Parker when he's not saving lives," he said.

"Wade..." I said slightly annoyed that he had just blown my cover.

"He loves me so much, he used my suit as inspiration for his suit," he said.

"Wade..." I said again, more annoyed.

"Here, I'll go get started on the pancakes and tacos!" he said, going to the kitchen.


"Hey Pete, you do still have beef, right?" he asked.

"Wade!" I shouted, losing my temper.

"Yes?" he replied.

"What have I told you about bringing people here? What if she blows my cover?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I won't. I'm a huge fan!" said the girl, beaming at me.

I forced a smile and looked back at Wade, who was taking out some taco shells.

"Wade, could I have a word with you?" I asked.

"Sure Petey. We'll be back, Iris. Make yourself at home!" he said.

So this was Iris. I should've known. Last night he was talking all about her. I took his arm and took him to my bedroom. I locked the door.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked.

"She had nothing to do, Pete. I thought it would be cool if we hanged out here," he said.

"Wade, you can't keep doing this."

"I agree," he said but I knew he wasn't talking to me. He was talking to the voices.

"Just don't do it again," I said.

"Stop worrying so much. Let's just have a good time," he said.

He unlocked the door and left the room. After a few moments, I left too.

Iris's pov

1 hour and 34 minutes later...

"Pancakes and tacos may be the best freaking foods on the planet," said Deadpool, chewing a taco.

Once I finished my food, I stood from the wooden chair at the dining room table and sat down next to Peter on the couch. He was sewing up a hole in his suit.

"Is that from your fight two days ago? With that black thing?" I asked.

"Yeah. And that "black thing" is called Venom. He's one of my enemies," he said.

Venom. What a creepy name. And fitting. He probably was as dangerous and deadly as venom. I looked back at Deadpool. He took a bite out of a pancake and then took a bite out of a taco.

"So, you and Wade are friends?" he asked.

"I guess so. He saved me like 3 times," I said.

"I see."

He suddenly moved closer and lowered his voice to a whisper.

"You didn't have sex with him, did you?" he asked.

I blushed and laughed.

"Not not at all," I said.

"Oh good. I hope you don't mind me asking. He just screws almost every girl he meets."

"I think I could tell by the way he acts," I said with a small giggle.

Deadpool's pov

I watched her and Peter talk. He was close to her. A little too close. And she was giggling. I felt a rush of anger go through me.

'Kill the spider,' said yellow box.

'They're just talking,' said white box.

'Shut the hell up! Take your sword or gun out and kill him!' said yellow box.

I thought about doing it. But Peter was my friend. And I wanted him to love me.

'So what? You've killed and injured your friends before,' said white box.

"True, I have. But that doesn't mean I'm going to kill Pete," I mumbled.

Pete moved away from her. Good. I felt better now.

Iris's pov

"So that's the real Spider-Man suit?" I asked.

"Yep. Want to touch it?" he asked.

"Can I?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

I touched the spider across the chest of the suit. It was smooth. Wow, dreams do come true.

Abruptly, the apartment door bursted open. A man in a white T-shirt, leather jacket and dark blue jeans entered. He was very hairy around the face.

"Logan?" asked Peter.

"Wolvie!" cried Deadpool. He stood, ran to the man and hugged him.

"Get away from me, Wade," he said.

When he noticed me, he frowned and rolled his eyes. He looked back at Deadpool.

"What have we told you about bringing people here?" he asked. "The last thing we need is for someone to tell who we really are over the internet."

"Relax Logan. She isn't going to tell anybody," said Deadpool.

"She better not."

"I'd kill you first...if I could," mumbled Deadpool.

"He's just talking to the voices in his head. He always does," whispered Peter to me. "So Logan, why did you come over?"

"I just came to see how you were doing. I heard you got into a nasty fight," said Logan.

"I'm fine. All I got was a few cuts and scratches," said Peter.

Logan started to sniff the air.

"Is that tacos?" he asked.

He went to the kitchen and made a taco. When he finished, he went back to the door.

"I'm going to go now. Rest up Peter," he said.

He shut the door and left.

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