Chapter 6

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He turned his attention to me. I was sitting on the dirty alley ground. He crouched down in front of me. He looked at me intently. Not at my face. At my boobs.

"Deadpool..." I said, irritated.

He stared for a few moments more before looking at my face. He abruptly stood back up.

"Iris! It's you! Remember me? From last night?"

"How could I forget you, Deadpool?" I asked, putting my blazer back on.

"You're okay right? You were really getting your ass kicked!"

I put on my coat, picked up my clip and stood.

"I'm far from okay. This has been the worst day ever," I said while putting my hair clip into my pocket.

"Maybe I can help. What happened?"

I sighed.

"Look, I don't want to talk about it. I just want to go ho-"

I stopped when I noticed the knife in his chest from getting stabbed. It was slowly bleeding.

"You're bleeding! The knife is still in your chest!" I cried.

"!" he said.

He smiled at me.

"This really hurts!" he exclaimed.

I knew I was crazy for what I was about to say. But he had saved me, for the second time.

"Come with me to my apartment. I'll take out the knife," I said.

"You want me to come to your house?" he asked excitedly.

"Just for a few minutes. Now come on. I don't want you to bleed out," I said.

"Oh don't worry. That won't happen. I have a healing factor!" he said.

I didn't know what in the world that was. Probably just another weird thing he made up in his strange mind.

At Iris's apartment...

"Come on!" I yelled in a whisper. Deadpool was walking too slow. He kept stopping to look at everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

People were sleeping. I would hate to wake someone up, especially with Deadpool with me. They could call the police. He is sort of a known criminal. He's been on the news.

I unlocked my apartment door and opened it. Deadpool ran in. I rolled my eyes and entered. He found the light switch and turned it on. I closed the door.

"Nice apartment. I like it," he said.

I went to my gun case in the kitchen and quickly grabbed a loaded handgun, just in case. I hid it in my coat.

"Thanks. Now stay put. I have to get my first aid kit."

"That won't be necessary," he said.

"Um, yes it will be. There's a knife in your chest," I said.

I went to the bathroom and grabbed the small first aid kit from the medicine cabinet.

When I returned, he was sitting on my chair in the living room, holding a pocket knife.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" he asked.


He brought the knife to the top of his finger. In one swift move, he chopped it off. I nearly fainted as his blood dripped onto the floor.

"Wait for it...wait for it..."

I watched in amazement as the top of his finger grew back.

"What the..." I said. I was speechless! Completely speechless!

"Healing factor. I heal at a fast rate. Cool, right?" he asked.

"Wow...yes! I wish I had that!" I said.

He put the knife into his holster. I had to shake off my amazement and get back to the matters at hand.

"Okay, enough playing around. I need to get that knife out of you," I said.

I kneeled down before him.

"This is going to hurt. Sorry in advance," I said.

"Just do it. I'm ready," he said.

I grabbed the knife. He leaned back a little and held on to the chair. I took a deep breath and started to pull. Unfortunately, the knife was coming out slowly.

"AAAAAHHHHGGGHHHH!!!" he shrieked.

"Shhhhhhh! Hang in there," I said soothingly.

I pulled even harder and just like that, the knife slipped out completely. He relaxed and layed back in the chair. I watched as the wound, like the finger, healed.

"There, it's out," I said, holding up the bloody knife for him to see.

"Thanks for getting it out," he said.

I stood and dropped the knife into my small tin garbage can next to the chair.

"You saved me two times. I had to repay you," I said.

He stood and walked over to me.

"You still owe me one thing," he said.

He was right. I owed him still. I only did him one small favor.

"What else do you want? Money?" I asked.

"Although I do like getting money, I want something a bit more meaningful."

He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. He raised his eyebrow beneath the mask. Oh not again. My hand went for my gun. But I just didn't have the heart to shoot him. He was too nice. Instead, I blushed and moved away.

"I already said no. I'm not your prostitute," I said.

"I wish you were."

I slapped him just like yesterday. He laughed.

"How about a kiss?" he asked.


"Not even a peck?"


"Not even just a peck on the cheek?"

"No, Deadpool."

"Come on. You know you want to-"

I slapped him before he could finish because I knew what he was going to say and it was disgusting. He laughed. I actually joined in this time. What can I say? His laugh was contagious.

"Get out of here!" I said while laughing.

He laughed harder.

"No seriously. Get out," I said, stopping my laughter.

"Awww, do I have to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, you definitely can't stay here," I said.

"Too bad. Goodnight babe."

He unlocked the door and exited. I blushed at him calling me babe. No one had ever called me that. Except Ty.

I locked the door back. For a lunatic, I think I was starting to warm up to him.

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