Chapter 18

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2 days later...

Monday morning

Peter's pov

The whole weekend I had to deal with Wade and Iris making out everywhere. On the couch, on the floor, on the roof, in the kitchen, you name it. Honestly, I was getting sick of it. Good thing Iris left this morning to go back to work. If I saw them kiss one more time I might have lost it.

Luckily, I didn't have a college class today so I could relax until duty called. So I sat on the couch and ate a breakfast of oatmeal. As soon as I finished, Wade walked in.

"How's it going, Pete?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

"Fine," I said. I hoped I didn't sound mean. I was just a little grumpy from the weekend.

He turned on my tv and started to play video games on my PS4. A violent one at that.

"Wanna go get some chimichangas later? I haven't eaten any in a while," he said.

"No thanks. We need to talk," I said.

"About what?" he asked curiously with his eyes glued to the screen.

"About you and Iris."

He perked up at the mention of her name. He paused the game and looked at me.

"What about us?" he asked.

"Look, I don't mean to sound rude two can't stay here anymore," I said.

"Why not?" he asked. I hated how innocent and sad he sounded.

"You know why! All you two ever do now is kiss and flirt and it's just getting old. I can't have it anymore. If you two want to do that, do it at her place," I said.

Deadpool's pov

I can't believe my own friend, my buddy, was kicking me out. How could he? I thought he liked me!

'You're so stupid. He probably hates you,' said yellow box.

'No he doesn't. He's probably just fed up with you,' said white box.

I don't see why.

'Maybe it has to do with you messing around with Iris!' spat yellow box.

I couldn't help but feel anger. I clenched my fists.

"I just can't do it anymore," said Peter.

"You just can't do it anymore," I repeated under my breath.

He was my only friend besides Iris. What would happen if they both left me? What then? My biggest fear, besides cows, was being all alone. By myself. I couldn't handle that.

"I promise, we'll stop," I said.

"No Wade. You have to go," he said.

I couldn't hold back my anger. I raised my fist and punched him. He stumbled a little.

"That's for kicking me out," I said. I wanted to do more. I wanted to cut him and shoot him. But I couldn't. I left. I needed to get my rage out on something else. And I had a good idea where.

Peter's pov

My spider sense had been slow. It had been ever since the fight with Venom. He always seemed to mess me up in some way.

Wade had punched me. And before I knew it, he was gone. I felt a little bad. I knew he would be okay though. The bright side was, at least I had the apartment to myself.

Deadpool's pov

I entered a nice bank downtown. Forgot what it was called. The baby blue floors were clean and shiny. The ceilings were high and it was very big inside. People stood in lines at windows, waiting to deposit or withdraw money. I got in line, ignoring the rude stares I got.

'Don't worry, they'll all regret it soon,' said yellow box.

When I got to the front of the line, the male bank teller looked at me uneasy. He looked like he was around Iris's age. Although he was uneasy, he forced on a smile.

"H-Hello sir. How may I h-help you?" he asked.

"I would like to withdraw all of the money in the safe," I said.

"What?" asked the man, his eyes going wide.

I took a gun out of my holster and pointed it at the man. Hopefully the window he was behind wasn't bullet proof. When people started to notice, chaos broke out. They ran around and screamed. Some ran out the door. Some hid.

"Please sir. Don't do this," he begged.

'Shoot his head off,' said yellow box.

I started to pull the trigger. But I stopped. I had a better idea.

"Stay here. And don't press the alarm. I swear I will have your brains splattered everywhere before they even get here," I said.

"Yes sir," he replied shakily.

I turned around and looked at everyone. I scanned the room for anyone with a visible phone. I saw a woman with a phone up to her ear. When she saw me noticing her, she screamed and started to run to the exit. But I beat her there. She cowered before me and lowered the phone from her ear.

"What type of phone is that?" I asked.

She seemed confused by my question.

" IPhone," she replied.

"Which one?" I asked.

"A 5s," she replied.


I pointed the gun at her chest and fired. She dropped the phone and fell to the ground. People screamed. Some cried.

"Anyone else have any phones they'd like to share with me?" I asked.

I noticed a man with a flip phone. He was hiding under a table. I marched over to him. When he noticed me, he flipped the phone shut. He was too late though. I flipped the table over and pointed my gun at him. I fired. He fell limp. More screams and cries.

"Hey everyone, guess what?" I asked cheerfully.

Many people's expressions showed they wanted to know what. But no one dared to speak.

"I'm going to kill you all."

There were many cries of fear.

'Keep going. Put on a show,' said yellow box.

"By the time I'm finished with all of you, the walls will be covered in blood. Bones and skin will litter the floor. It will be a bloodbath. A massacre. And anyone who tries to call the police will die in the worst ways. Isn't that just exciting?"

No one responded. Everyone was frozen in fear.

"Think of it as a game of survival. Here, just to shake things up a bit and to make this a little more fun, I'll make you all a deal. The last 5 people that survive will be killed in the least worse way. And if I'm in a good mood, I may even let you live."

I smiled under my mask at everyone in the room. I already felt better.

"Alright, let's get the party started. Ready? On your mark...get set...go!"

Deadpool's IrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora