Chapter 27

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She looked at me blankly, as if she didn't even see me. But I knew she did. She had said my name.

"Iris?" I said again.

I was struck from behind, making me fall foward. It was Venom.

"There's no point in trying to talk to her. She won't listen," he said.

"How do you know that?" I asked with hatred.

"She will only listen to us," he said.

The door to the roof opened. It was Peter.

"Look who it is! The spider who made this all possible," said Venom cheerfully.

Peter ignored him and ran to Iris. He looked at her. When she didn't acknowledge him, he snapped his fingers in her face. She looked at him, a glazed look in her eyes.

"Iris, what happened?" he asked her.

"Nothing," she replied blankly.

Peter stood and marched over to Venom angrily.

"What did you do to her?" he asked.

"We made her submissive," replied the monster.

"Be specific! I want to know everything you did to her!" he shouted.

The symbiote grinned at the two of us.

"Very well. We made her our property. We broke her down," he said.

"You brute! You violated her, didn't you?" he asked.

"Yes we did."

'That evil son of a bitch!' yelled yellow box.

'Get him!' yelled white box.

I tried to charge at him. But Peter held me back.

"Calm down," he said.

"Calm down? Look at her! She's lost it!" I yelled.

He squated down and observed her again.

"A thousand yard stare...blank expression...obeying all of Venom's commands...she's definitely been brainwashed," he said.

"First, we broke down her mind. It wasn't that hard. We made her believe everyone was against her and didn't care. Finally, we broke her physically," said Venom casually.

"You're dead," I said gravely.

"Come and get us, tiger," said Venom.

I lunged at him. He took the pipe and shoved it through my stomach. My guts spilled out of me. I groaned and fell to the floor.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," I said with a sheepish chuckle. My stomach had already begun to rapidly heal.

"I'm going to make you pay, Ven-"

Venom grabbed Peter by the neck and lifted him off of the ground.

"You never win, Spidey. And you never will," he said and threw Peter into me.

Iris's pov

I had zoned out after Peter talked to me. The next time I focused again, Venom was kneeled down in front of me. The tentacle that had touched me so many times stroked my hair.

"Are you scared to die?" he asked.

"I don't think so," I said.

A few tentacles from his face grasped my face.

"Good," he said.

He licked my neck and nibbled at it with his razor sharp teeth. It hurt a little.

"We really like you," he purred into my neck.

"I like you too," I said.

"GET OFF OF HER!" shouted Deadpool.

Deadpool's pov

Venom was touching Iris and biting her. It angered me. As soon as my stomach recovered fully, I charged at him. I caught him off guard and slashed him with my knife. He screeched.

"If only we could kill you," he sneered.

Peter joined me.

"Venom, this has nothing to do with her! Fight me! Hurt me! Leave her alone!" he said.

"This has everything to do with her. If she's important to you, she's important to us," said Venom.

"This is stupid! Let her go!" yelled Peter.

"Never, Spidey. Her death with be on you," said Venom.

One of his tentacles handed him a small button.

"When we press this, you will have exactly five minutes to save her. If you don't, she'll explode," he said.

Before we could do anything, he pressed the button. The timer on her stomach started to count down.

"You want a fight, Venom. Come on...let's fight!" shouted Peter. Peter punched him in the face. The two started to go at it.

I ran over to Iris. Her eyes were unfocused. I shook her.

"Iris! Iris! It's me, Deadpool."

She stared at me.

"Deadpool," she repeated.

"You remember me, right?" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I didn't like this. I didn't like how she was so blank. I looked at the bomb. Only four minutes and thirty seconds left. I needed to free her. I started to cut at the bonds around her. They were breaking slowly.

"No, stop. It has to be done," she said.

"What are you talking about? Don't you see that you're in danger?"

She stared at me without an expression.

"You've been brainwashed. You need to listen to me. Venom brainwashed you. Everything he's told you is a lie," I said.

"No it's not," she said.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her vigorously.

"Yes it is!" I yelled.

I looked at the bomb again. Four minutes left.

"I need to get this off of you. You can't explode! I won't let Venom win," I said.

"Venom is good," she said.

I shook her again.

"Where is the real Iris? I know she's in there, inside you. Don't you want to be her again?"

She shook her head.

"No one cared about me then," she said.

"Are you kidding me? So many people cared about you! I cared about you! Can't you see that? Don't you remember our first kiss? Or our first time together?"

She continued to look at me blankly.

"I loved you. I still do. I want the old Iris back. Please, let her come back," I said.

When she didn't respond, I kissed her. At first, she ignored the contact. But soon, she began to kiss back. When I removed my lips from hers and looked back into her face, I saw her eyes were focused again.

'How cheesy,' said white box.

'Unbelievable! I can't believe the answer to this the whole time was true love's kiss! What is this, a fairy tale?' said yellow box.

"Deadpool?" she asked. The puzzled tone in her voice relieved me. She was finally showing expression.


I wrapped my arms around her. She returned the gesture and started to sob into my arms.

"Oh my...OH! He hurt me so much! He tormented me! He choked me! And worst of all, he violated me! I was so helpless! I couldn't even do anything!" she cried.

"I know. I know. Don't worry, I'll get him. As soon as we get this bomb off of you," I said.

She perked up.


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