Chapter 31

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Iris's pov

I felt...different. My mind felt different. It felt like my inner voice wasn't the only thing there anymore.

And I felt very strong. Like nothing could hurt me.

When I found out what happened to me and what power I now possessed, I was shocked. I had Deadpool's healing factor. Well, some of it.

The last thing I remembered before waking up in the hospital was a bright light and then a burning sensation. After that, everything went away.

And then, not knowing how long ago that happened, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. Then, it felt like I was being stabbed by millions of needles. It hurt so badly. I was shaking and I couldn't control it. And then I fell still. All the pain disappeared. I was back in control again, much to my relief.

I felt invincible.

"I just have one question," I said.

"What's that?" asked Deadpool.

"When can I go home?"

"About that....I wanted to know if maybe you would want to...move into my apartment?" asked Peter.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"I wouldn't want you to get kidnapped again. You should move in. In fact, you and Deadpool should both move in."

"Do you really mean it, Spidey?" asked Deadpool.

"Yes. I'm sorry for kicking you two out. I was being stupid. I've got plenty of space. Move in with me."

"Aw, come here sweetie!" cried Deadpool, running to Peter and hugging him.

"Please get off of me," said Peter.


"So...can I leave since I'm healed?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't see why not," said the doctor.

"Great. I can't stand this place," I said.

One week later...


I sat on Peter's couch with Deadpool. We ate tacos together and watched tv. I was loving this new life with him, and with his healing factor. It was amazing! If I cut myself by accident, it was healed in an hour or less. If I tripped and fell and ended up bruising myself, the bruise would quickly.

The only bad that came out of this was I was hearing voices now. It was only one but it was strange. I hoped I hadn't gone insane.

A few days after leaving the hospital, Deadpool made me my own costume. I told him it wasn't nessasary since I didn't want to be a hero or anything. But he made it anyway. So I decided to just wear it. At least I could say I wore it once.

It was identical to his except it was all black. And it was tighter. Hm...I wonder why. As if it was not obvious.

I left the mask off. I didn't know how he breathed with that thing on.

"Here comes the plane!" he said, flying a taco towards my mouth. I opened it and let him put it in my mouth. I took a bite and smiled.

"Good tacos," I said.

"You can say that again," said the female voice in my head.

He finished the taco I had just bit from.

"You know, you look really good," he said.

He had said that at least a million times these past few days.

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