Chapter 14

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I struggled at the bonds around my wrists and dry sobbed when they wouldn't loosen. Venom cackled. He got real close to my face. I could smell his horrible breath. I gagged.

"Don't worry," he said as the black material covered his face again. "We'll be sure to make it quick and painful."

He licked my face with his long tongue, leaving a trail of thick saliva. After dry heaving a little, I screamed and struggled more. He backed up and raised the piece of wood above his head. He screeched before bringing it down. As soon as it connected with my head, my legs gave out and I went down. But not all the way. The bonds around my hands kept me from falling completely.

What was strange was, I couldn't move and I couldn't open my eyes...but I could hear and think. Was I unconscious?

I felt a clawed finger press against my neck.

"Not dead yet. She still has a pulse. We better finish her off," said Venom.

This was it. My last moment alive and I couldn't do anything about it. I heard something land gently on the ground. Then strangely, I heard the wood fall to the ground.

"Hey Spidey. Did you miss us?" asked Venom.


After hearing some grunting and scuffling, I heard something hit against a pipe in the alley, which produced a loud and high pitched sound. Venom screeched.

"This isn't over Parker! We'll be back," he yelled and by the sound of it, he left.

The only thing that made me feel better was knowing that Peter was nearby.

My hearing started to go away. I was slipping away. This was the end. I hoped it wasn't.

Now I was just in a silent black void. After lots of silent waiting, everything finally slipped away and I was gone.

Peter's pov

I had sensed trouble from a few blocks away. It made me feel uneasy.

"Maybe I should come with you," Wade had said as I put on my suit.

"No, I need to do this alone. You're always goofing off," I said.

"Come on, I won't do anything. I swear."

I was in a rush. I didn't have time for this. I put on my mask.

"Fine. Come on," I said.

We left the apartment. I followed my spider sense until I reached an alley. I landed on a roof above the alley.

"You stay here. I'll scream or something if I need help. Just stay put," I said.

"No problem Pete," he replied.

He sat down and took out a knife from his holster. He started to play with it.

I turned around, shot a web and descended down to the alley. When I reached the bottom, I saw a black figure standing over a woman. He held a large piece of wood. I knew it was Venom. And the woman was Iris. I felt angry that he had harmed her. This is what I was afraid would happen. I had warned Wade for a reason other than keeping my identity a secret. But he never listened to me or to anyone.

As soon as I landed, Venom dropped the wood.

"Hey Spidey. Did you miss us?" he asked, his back facing me.

The fact that I didn't know if Iris was dead or alive angered me more.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled.

He turned around and lunged at me. I dodged. I shot a web at the wood he had dropped, pulled it back to me, grabbed it and hit it on a pipe. It produced a loud and high pitched sound, which was his weakness. He screeched and the black suit started to thrash around. When he got ahold of himself, he scowled at me.

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