How I Became Mrs. Watts (49)

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We arrived at my parents' house pretty soon. They came out to greet us as soon as the car pulled up in the driveway. “I'm nervous,” Andrew told me.

“Me too,” I said with a sigh. He didn't ask why and for that I was thankful.

“Ella!” my mother shouted, giving me a big hug. She acted like I hadn't come home in years, not months.

“Can't breath, Mother,” I told her.

She laughs and releases me.

“Are Sara and Matt here yet?” I asked.

“No, I told them to come later. I knew that you had someone you wanted us to meet.”

“Right,” I said, looking at my feet. Andrew came around from the other side of the car and took his hand in mine.

“Aw, that's so sweet!” my mother said.

My head went back up so that I could look at her. She looked sincere. My father, however, looked mad. Uh oh, I thought.

“So, what's your connection to my daughter?” he asked Andrew, kind of menacingly.

“He's my boyfriend,” I said, saving Andrew from taking all the insults.

“The boy can answer for himself, Ella,” he said. I winced and jumped backwards. I had never seen my father this angry before.

Andrew seemed calm as can be. I wondered how he did that.

“How old are you?” my father questioned.

“23, sir,” said Andrew, being as polite as ever. He was maintaining eye contact, which was the right thing to do, I knew.

“Too old.”

“I'm sorry, what was that, sir?”

“Too old. You're too old for my daughter.”

“Dad!” I said, “I'm almost 20. Stop overreacting!”

“Ella,” he warned.

I kept my mouth shut. “You haven't even introduced yourself.”

“Of course, please forgive me sir. My name is Andrew Watts,” he bowed politely and offered a hand out to my father, which he took.

“You have a good, firm handshake.”

“Thank you, sir.” Andrew did the unthinkable then, he smiled. I held my breath, waiting for the insults to come. They never did.

“You know, Andrew, why don't we go inside and have a little chat?” my father asked, cheerfully.

“Of course.”

“Don't worry, sweetheart,” my mother told me. She helped me unpack the car and we went inside.

She asked if she could hold Oliver. I complied. “What's his name?”

“Oliver,” I said.

“He's not yours, is he?”

“Of course not!” I said, “Andrew was married before, and his wife, Charlotte, is Oliver's mother. She died just eight months ago.”

“That must have been horrible for him.” It was unclear who she meant by “him.”

“Yeah, it was pretty bad,” I said vaguely.

“Hm...” she said thoughtfully, “I really like Andrew, dear.”

“Me too,” I grinned. The boys walked into the room then.

Matt and Sara came in an hour later.

As soon as my brother saw me he picked me up and swung me around the room. “Ella! I haven't seen my baby sister in forever!”

“Matt!” I yelled at him, “Matthew!”

“What?” he asked, setting me on the floor.

“Nothing,” I smiled, hugging him. I'd forgotten how much I missed him.

“Sara,” I smiled.

“Ella,” she sighed. I gave her a hug too.

“I'm sorry about Ethan,” I whispered.

“It's okay,” she told me.

We got settled in for the night, in our old rooms. I told Andrew he could have mine, but he insisted on the couch. I couldn't make him change his mind. I snuck out in the middle of the night to talk to him though.

I curled up beside him on the couch. “I'm sorry for my father,” I whispered. I didn't want anyone to hear us out here.

“Don't be. You know what he told me?” he whispered back.

“No,” I shook my head.

“He told me that he liked me. He told me that I was good for you.”

“You are,” I said.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I loved it when he did that. “He asked about my ring.”

“And?” I asked, “What did you say?”

“I told him the truth. I didn't lie to him about anything.”


He nodded, “It didn't feel right to lie to him.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?”

“For coming all this way with me.”

He laughed, “What was I going to do?”

“I don't know,” I laughed too.

He kissed my forehead again. “I love you, Ella Fitzgerald,” he whispered.

“I love you, too, Andrew Watts,” I whispered back. It was so very true.

He smiled. “Goodnight, Ella.”

“Goodnight,” I said.

We fell asleep with me in his arms. I loved the way his arms felt around me. I felt safe, secure.

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