How I Became Mrs. Watts (13)

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Andrew led me inside and we sat down in the kitchen. “Are you hungry?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I could go for some food,” I said.

“Okay, well all I have is turkey.”

“That's fine,” I smiled at Oliver as Andrew got up to fix us some sandwiches. He threw bread, and slices of American cheese on the table. He then set the turkey and some plates down. “American cheese?” I asked.

“Yeah, now you can't say I'm unAmerican.” I grinned and started to fix my sandwich.

“You're book is getting addicting,” he said.

“Yeah? Where are you at?” I asked.

“I just finished chapter eleven, but you showed up so I had to stop reading.”

“Just go right ahead, blame me,” I grinned.

“Okay, I will,” he was making his sandwich now. He sat down and said, “Ready?” I nodded, knowing what was coming. “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.” We made the sign of the cross as he started the blessing before meals, “Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen.” We made the sign of the cross a second time and I said, “Amen” with him.

We began eating our food. “You just got to the good part of the story,” I said.

“I would disagree. They are all good parts,” he said.

“Ha, ha, very funny,” sarcasm was implied, but I laughed for real after that.

“I can't believe the story is true. It seems so unbelievable!”

“I know,” I agreed with him. We finished the rest of our lunch and he drove me back to the school.


I came in early like always. “I had a really good time yesterday,” I told Andrew.

“Really?” he asked.


“Me too,” he said. He smiled and I returned it. People filed in around me and Andrew stood up. He looked at his watch, “Everyone is early today.” He looked at me and I shrugged. “Okay, I'll just start class a little early,” he said. The class murmured their approval. “Today is about,” he began.

“Anointing of the Sick,” I finished. He closed his eyes and a smile was playing on his lips. He opened his eyes after a full second.

“Yes, that's right. It used to be called Extreme Unction. This sacrament strengthens one in a time of illness. You may have heard that you can receive this once during your life. That isn't true, you can receive this sacrament as many times as is needed. People facing surgery necessitated by a dangerous illness, elderly people who are weak but not dangerously ill, and sick children who are mature enough to be comforted by the sacrament are eligible for it. A sick person may be anointed more than once if he recovers and then becomes ill again, or if the danger becomes greater in the course of the illness.

“According to the Catechism, the benefits of Anointing of the Sick are the uniting of the sick person to the passion of Christ, for his own good and that of the whole Church, the strengthening, peace, and courage to endure in a Christian manner the sufferings of illness or old age, the forgiveness of sins, if the sick person was not able to obtain it through the sacrament of Penance, the restoration of health, if it is conducive to the salvation of his soul, and the preparation for passing over to eternal life.1

“The risen Lord renews this mission by saying, 'In my name...they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.'2 Saint Paul must learn from the Lord that “my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness,” and that the sufferings to be endured can mean that “in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his Body, that is, the Church.'3

“This sacrament can be celebrated in the family home, a hospital, or church. It can be celebrated for a single sick person or a whole group of sick persons. It is very fitting to celebrate it within the Eucharist, the memorial of the Lord's Passover. As the sacrament of Christ's Passover the Eucharist should always be the last sacrament of the earthly journey, the 'viaticum' for 'passing over' to eternal life.4 I'm done talking now, with ten minutes to spare. You can all just leave.”

The class obeyed and were out the door almost before he was done talking. I laughed. “You really shouldn't interrupt me,” he said.

“Why not?” I pouted.

“Because I could get you into some trouble if I wanted to.”

“But you don't, so I'm fine,” I crossed my arms.

He sighed, while I grinned. We both knew I was right. “Fine,” he said.

“Did you finish the book yet?” I asked.

“Nope, I'm on chapter 14.”

“That's one of my favorites,” I smiled.

“How can Courtney not remember Blake? Does she get her memory back?”

“You'll just have to keep reading,” I told him. I got up and walked to History.

1Catechism of the Catholic Church, number 1532

2Mark, 16:17-18

32 Corinthians 12:9; Colossians 1:24

4CCC, no. 1517

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