How I Became Mrs. Watts (36)

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We went home after picking Oliver up. A thought suddenly occurred to me: I had not told Andrew about my forced date with Ethan tomorrow. “Andrew,” I began.

“Yeah?” he looked up at me from whatever it was he was reading.

“So, there was a consequence to Ethan not ratting us out...”

“Yeah?” he asked again. I could see I had his full attention now.

“Well, he demanded that I go on a date with him tomorrow,” I said, sheepish that he knew that I didn't stand up to Ethan about it.


“Is that all you have to say?” I asked.

“What do you want me to say, Ella?” he asked gently. I was glad that we weren't having a fight, because we could have been.

“I don't know,” I admitted.

“It's not like either of us have a choice in the matter.”

“I know,” I sighed. I went over to the couch he was sitting on and sat down. He pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“This will work out. I've been here before, and I know that we will make it through this. We have to.” He sounded really determined, and I admired that about him. This was a side of him I had never seen before, but, just like every other side of him, I loved it. I loved him.

“I believe you,” I whispered.

“Thank you,” he whispered back. I pulled back a little bit to look at him. He looked just as relieved as I felt when he had said he believed me about what happened Friday night. We sat there for what felt like hours. It was apparent that neither of us cared, but Oliver did. He crawled over to us and attempted to pull himself up. I helped him up and sat him on my lap.

“Dadda,” he said. I looked Andrew. He was surprised, but really happy.

“He's never said that before,” Andrew whispered more to himself than to me. His eyes were shining with happiness. I smiled and passed Oliver over to his father.

I watched as Andrew held Oliver, slowly patting his back. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. Oliver, that is, but Andrew was close to it. Like father, like son, I thought.

After a short while Andrew was asleep as well. I laughed at them while I took a picture on my phone. That was definitely going on Facebook, after we got all of this mess sorted out. I sighed because my mood had plummeted and it was once again due to Ethan.

Why couldn't that guy just leave me alone? I thought. Well, us. Why did he insist on ruining our lives? Why did he insist on that stupid date tomorrow night?

I wished I could skip the date, but I knew what would happen if I did. It would all fall back on Andrew. No matter how much I hated Ethan, I knew that I couldn't do that to Andrew. The whole situation was entirely unfair. I sighed once more as I got up from the couch.

I took one last look at Oliver and his daddy. Oh, how I loved them both! I wish all of our problems would disappear, and they would if Ethan weren't here. Ugh, stupid Ethan! I thought. That wasn't the first time I had thought that and I knew that wouldn't be the last time either. If our problems did, in fact, disappear, everything would be perfect. Unfortunately, life doesn't work like that.

I picked a blanket up off the floor and draped it over the two boys. I then went and took a shower. I figured at least one of them would be awake when I got back. I was right about that; Oliver was awake, even thought my shower had drawn me away for less than fifteen minutes.

I pulled the blanket back enough so that I could steal him from Andrew's arms. He giggled happily as I swung him around the room. He was certainly a happy baby. He hardly ever cried. I don't think I've heard him cry once in the whole time that I've stayed in the house.

I set Oliver down in his high chair and began to cook dinner. I thought that maybe that would wake Andrew up. I boiled some water and threw some spaghetti in. I let it cook some then added sauce. It didn't take longer than twenty minutes.

I started dishing up spaghetti for myself and Oliver, and cutting his into little bits. When I was halfway through dishing up mine, I saw Andrew stir in the living room. “Andrew!” I called, “Dinner's ready!”

He moved a little more and I saw his eyes open. “Dinner,” I said again. He got to his feet and came into the kitchen. All guys were the same in the way that they always came running for food. I laughed at how zombie-like he was when he was still half asleep. He kissed me and ruffled my hair. I didn't complain, mostly because he was still kissing me and I couldn't.

He pulled away and I started to smile. He picked me up by my legs and flipped me over his shoulder. “Not so funny now, is it?” he asked. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was just playing with me. His voice held a smile.

“Andrew!” I said, “Put me down!” My voice held a smile as well.

“I think I'll pass,” he said.

“Aw man,” I said, pretending to pout. We spun around in circles until finally Andrew stopped us. “Thank you,” I breathed.

“Dizzy, right?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. He set me down on the floor. Oliver was laughing at us. “Did you think that was funny?” I asked him. He laughed some more.

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