How I Became Mrs. Watts (1)

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I nervously glanced at my schedule for the millionth time. I had it so memorized that I probably recited it in my sleep. I didn't know what was wrong with me, why I was acting this way. I was a completely different person from who I was in high school, just a few short months ago. It seemed years away though. I sometimes wish I wasn't so shy my first day of college, but knowing how it all turned out in the end, I wouldn't change a thing. It does make a bad beginning for a book though. Again, if you didn't look at the cover, my name is Ella Fitzgerald, or was. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I won't spoil it for you.

My eyes flickered to the clock and I hurriedly grabbed my bag from my desk and rushed out the door. I was going to be late to a class I didn't even know where it was! I was so dead! My rushed thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly slammed into someone. “Oh, I am so so so sorry!” I said, “I'm just late and I have no idea where I'm going! Sorry!”

“Freshman?” Mystery Guy asked. He laughed, and I realized I loved his laugh.

“Yeah,” I said shyly, having noticed I showed him a side of me that most didn't know existed.

“Where are you headed?”

“Um, Theology with Professor Watts,” I read because I didn't trust myself to remember anything in the presence of such a cute guy. And let me tell you, he was cute. He was tall and he had brown hair with these radical glasses that made him look so much cuter.

“Well, it just so happens that I'm going to that class as well. Shall we?” he asked, linking my arm with his. All I could trust myself to do was nod.

We walked for a minute or two and I peeked at a clock in a hall. We were five minutes late and I was getting more nervous by the second. “We're almost there,” he said, noticing my strange behavior. After a few more steps he said, “Ah, here we are.” He held the door open for me and said, “Ladies first.”

“Bu-but...” I stammered, panicking.

“Don't worry, the teacher won't mind,” was his reply. He winked at me. I gave him a confused expression. “Go on...” he encouraged with a small smile. I nodded and took a deep breath.

I walked in the room, expecting the teacher to be yelling at me at any moment, but the teacher wasn't there. I took a seat in the back of the class and placed my things beside me, letting my breath out silently. I started counting the seconds to prevent myself from freaking out any more. Exactly 1 minute and 23 seconds later, Mystery Guy walked in the room carrying a cup of coffee. Where did he get that? I wondered. “Sorry I'm late, class,” he said, “I had some business to attend to.” He winked at me. He then began introducing himself, writing his name on the board. “My name is Andrew Watts. You can call me whatever you like but keep it appropriate please.”

“He is so cute!” the girls whispered excitedly.

“Oh, please, he is not,” the guys muttered under their breath. I stayed quiet, taking it all in.

“Anyway,” Mystery-er, Professor Watts, continued, “I hope that I can get to know each of you personally, and that you can all keep up with this class, because I'm told it's a bit advanced.” He laughed to himself. We all laughed quietly, awkwardly, because we really didn't get the joke. “Okay, get some paper out to take notes please.” We did as told. “We're going to start with something easy, well easier, to understand. The topic being sacraments, of course. So tell me something that you know about sacraments, anything at all.”

A boy raised his hand, “There are seven of them.” We laughed.

Professor Watts laughed with us but then said, “No, that's good, we needed someone to state the obvious, it's kind of like an ice breaker. What else can you tell me about the seven sacraments?”

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