How I Became Mrs. Watts (14)

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***That Evening***

I was thinking of how I left Andrew in the classroom when I heard a knock on my door. I got up from my bed to answer it. I gasped as I saw who it was. It was Andrew, holding my book. “I finished it!” he exclaimed, “I just had to tell somebody.”

“So I'm just somebody, am I?” I asked, only half teasing.

“No, you're much more than that, Ella,” he said. We stood in silence for a few seconds. I was silent because I was hypnotized by what he had just told me. He was silent because the moment was a little awkward.

“Would you like to come in? I mean, this is nothing like your place but...” I moved so that he could come in. He just smiled and followed my lead. We both came inside and I moved my stuff so he could sit on the bed with me.

“You got a much better dorm than I did,” he said looking around.

“Really?” I laughed.

“Yeah, I only had a bed, a bathroom, a table, and one chair.” I laughed again. I had that too, but I had somehow managed to get a kitchen as well.

“So, you were saying?” I asked.

“Oh, right. I loved the ending. Is there going to be a sequel?”

“Sh! That's a secret,” I said. I looked at his expression. I had scared him, or at least startled him. I laughed. He came back around soon and smiled at me. “Yeah, there'll be a sequel. It'll be their daughter's story.”

“Their daughter?”

“Yeah. They don't have a name picked out yet, or at least that's what Taylor told me.”

“Taylor, Blake's sister?”

“So you did read the book,” I teased.

“Well, yeah. I wouldn't lie about something like that,” he said.

“I know you wouldn't,” I said.

“You should really get it published.”

“I don't know about that. What if Courtney or Blake would read it?”

“Don't you think they deserve to read it? It is all about them, after all.”

“I just don't know,” I said.

“Well, I know that Blake was lucky to have such a pretty girl like him.” Andrew got up and left then.

Wait! I wanted to scream at him, Are you talking about Courtney or me? I could have yelled it at him, but he was too far away to hear me.

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