Plan B

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Austin- I bet you didn't.

Me- I bet I did.

Austin- How much to see who's right? Let's see......

Mama- That's enough now children, let's just get out of here first.

Austin- Sorry ma.

Papa- Wynoskis? Are you there?

Mr. Wynoski stood up and trudged toward the bars of cell W.

Mr.Wynoski- Yeah. Whaddya want?

Papa- Sir we are here to free you and your family.

Mr.Wynoski- What makes me think that a bunch of other prisoners can help me escape but can't even....

Papa- Can't even what?

Mr.Wynoski- That can't even survive in this prison!

Papa- Well ,some help has come along that might give you the slightest assurance. My daughter, Sophia and a couple of her friends came to rescue us.

Mr. Wynoski- Then what's the plan?

Papa- Tell him Sophia.

Me- Hi Mr.Wynoski. The plan is to disguise my family as guards. Then we walk down the hallway with you guys as prisoners. If a guard asks why are you with us, we will tell them that we are taking you to the warden for your constant disrespect. Got it?

Mr.Wynoski- That's gonna get us out of here? You must be kidding me. I've heard of some crazy plans in my day, but this one is outrageous!

Me- Alright then. Papa I have an "outrageous" plan that unfortunately WON'T involve the Wynoskis. I guess we'll get out of here faster. Won't we?

Papa- Let's free the rest of our family and go.

I asked Ruby to open cell W. The cell was unlocked.

Me- Let's go guys. We'd better hurry.

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