11 prisoners and 4 guards

13 2 0

Me- Did you call Sonia?

Ruby- Yeah. She's on her way.

Me- Good. I can't believe our plan worked!

Ruby- Come on. Why wouldn't it have worked? It was a great plan.

Me- Yup. All thanks to great ideas.

5 minutes later, Sonia and Anne show up. We were finally ready to go.

Me- Hey how's it been so far?

Anne- Fine. How about you?

Me- It's been quite an adventure so far. What about you Sonia?

Sonia- Good. Something doesn't look right. Why do we have 11 prisoners? Is your family that big?

Me- Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. We are rescuing another family.

Sonia- What? Why? How? There might not be enough space in the balloon! What are you doing?

Anne- That's what I said!

Me- Look I'll make this work. Okay? Its a long story. If we didn't rescue them, they could've blown our cover. Would you want that? I figured you wouldn't so I brought them along. Tell them Ruby.

Ruby- Ok look. 1st of all, you guys can't throw a fit just because we're bringing along extra peeps. Kay? 2nd of all, Sophia is trying to get her family out of here. Unfortunately, her mom and siblings we taken to another cell with another family. The rowdy Wynoski family. That made the rescue even harder. Her dad was in Cell V and the rest of her family was in Cell W with the other family. She thought it wouldn't be right to just rescue her family in Cell W alone. If she only rescued her family,

the other family could reveal what we were doing. Do you understand now?

Sonia- Why didn't she just say so in the 1st place?

Anne- We would've not spazzed out or something.

Me- Now that all that is cleared up, lets go.

10 minutes later we were back at the balloon. Fortunately, everyone fit in the balloon. The escape was a success. There were no complications. Guards didn't ask us anything and now, we were on our way home.

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