Moving forward

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It's been 3 years since the war. Considering the fact that Azalea has been conquered, I moved to New Lonon to start over. Notice how I said "I" moved and not "my family and I moved"? Well there is a reason for that. My family is gone,but not in the way of passing away. Nowhere to be found. They left me behind trying to escape Azalea. Before the war, my family had heeded my warning. Therefore, everyone packed their bags. The plan was to leave the house on the day of the war and drive to Kelpstead asap. War day came and we were ready to go. When we were about to leave, I remembered not packing my diary. So I ran upstairs to my room to grab it. By the time I came back down stairs, my family was gone. Dad drove off before I could get to the car. Tragic isn't it? I vowed to look for them ever since.

I'm much older now with my own apartment. I go to college every Tuesday. That means I stay home 6 days a week. Suddenly, the phone rings and I pick up.

Caller- "Hi this Sophia Veragarde?" .

Me- " Yes it is."

Caller- "Are you looking for your family?"

Me- Oh yes. If I may ask, who is speaking? Your voice sounds unusually familiar."

Caller-"That's not important right now.Your family is in great danger. They were captured by the Chaldieans a year ago.Don't go looking for them. Its too dangerous........

Me- Bye. Thanks for the information.

I was so speechless that I hung up the phone. How could they do this?! Why didn't they tell me a year ago? I don't care what the caller said. I was going to rescue my family no matter what it took. This was the beginning of my fight to the finish.

Fight to the FinishOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant