The Real Michael

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Anne- What do you mean your "The Michael that never existed"? Your confusing everyone's mind and its aggravating us. If you know what's best for you, I suggest that you close your mouth.

Michael- Oh should I? I guess you don't want to know the truth.

Sonia- Spill it right now.

Michael- Ok since you say so. 1st of all my real name is Adrian, Adrian Galamychal. I'm a spy for the Chaldiean army. Do you remember getting a call from someone Sophia?

Me- Yeah, it was you. Wasn't it? I asked who was speaking and you told me it wasn't important at the time. You lied to all of us Mike, I mean Adrian. Whatever your name is. You betrayed our trust. How could you talk about Lily like that? At least she didn't lie to us.

Adrian- Im sorry. I had no idea you felt that way. I was only doing my job.

Oliver- I was your friend! At least I thought I was.....

Ruby- Who sent you in the 1st place? Why are you still here?

Adrian- The Chaldiean army. They had been getting threats from an unknown person. I was sent to find out who it was and stop them.

Sonia- But we aren't a threat! We are only getting Sophia's family!

Adrian- Not only are you doing that, but you are breaking into the prison camp, posing as prison guards, and being a threat to the Chaldiean army. I must stop you.

Oliver-No you won't! We've worked to hard for this!

Oliver pushes Michael out of the balloon and Michael plunges to the ground.

Sonia's aunt- Nice going Oliver. I didn't know you had it in you.

Oliver- I was only doing my job.

Oliver jokes.

Fight to the Finishजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें