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"Again!" He commanded with another shove causing me to fall onto the padded floor.

"I can't!" My four year old voice shouted as tears threatened to fall.

"Yes, you can! Now do it again!" He shouted advancing closer to me.

"Father I can't!" I cried as I looked up from the floor into his angry snake-like eyes.

"I thought you were better than this, but I was wrong." He sighed.

He stepped closer and closer to me avoiding the puddles of blood of the floor until he was kneeling in front of me. Reaching out his hand he moved my black silky hair out of my face and behind my ear.

"Your hair is getting long." He commented as his face started to look calmer.

"I know," I replied softly as I looked away avoiding eye contact.

"I keep forgetting that you're only four and that I shouldn't have pushed you to your limit. I keep expecting more out of you but I know that you're still young...rest for now and we'll train in the morning after breakfast." He said standing up turning away from me.

"Where are you going Father?" I questioned trying to get up but fell from exhaustion.

"Back to the village......they'll be wondering where I am...." He hissed.

"Father, if you despise the village so much then why don't you just leave?"

He looked over his shoulder to see me.

"I still need to do some research there, don't worry we'll be out of this village soon, I can't stand it here anymore.....it's sickening." He hissed in disgust.

"Can I come to the village with you?" I questioned hoping he'll say yes.

"No, they mustn't know who you are."

"I understand, when we leave, then can I go outside?" I said as I looked up at him with my big innocent red eyes gazed into his green snake like ones.

"We'll see,"

I jumped up from the floor with all my strength to give him a hug. As soon as I made contact, his body went ridged not use to my touch.

"Thank you Father! I will finally be able to see what the sun looks like!" I shouted happily.

"You sure do have a lot of...emotion....when we leave, we'll have to change that."

I looked up at him tilting my head with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You want to be a strong ninja like me right?" He knelt to the ground getting to my level then placed a hand on my head.

"Of course!" I grinned only wanting to be just like him.

"Well a ninja never shows emotion; strong ninja don't let emotion get in the way. Emotions are a weakness; they're for the weak."

I looked down in sadness as he once again told me of my worthlessness.

"I have read that in the books you had me read. I just wish that it wasn't true. Is it possible to get rid of my emotions?"

"Of course it is, we just have to beat it out of you." He got up to his feet then turned away.

"Whatever it takes to be like you Father," I bowed in respect just like he had taught me. I would do anything for him.

"Another thing, don't call me Father anymore...it shows ...affection." Just from his emphasis on the word affection told me he wasn't in touch with his emotions just like he said. He was a strong ninja so he couldn't have emotions.

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