Well, maybe they don't think they're amazing. I guess I never truly thought I was ever amazing. I just said it so many times out loud so that maybe one day I'd believe it, but I never did. I convinced other people that I loved myself when I couldn't convince myself.

The bell rings and the day moves forward of shocked expressions and people wondering what happened to me. Carrie and Haidley were staying with Taliyah and trying to avoid me. I know, because I have brought them negative attention. They never liked me for me.

April has been talking with me, though.

"What are you trying to accomplish, Raelin?" April asks now since it's lunch and no one would sit with me besides her.

"This is who I am, April. This is who I've been hiding," I admit and April becomes confused. "Ask Raph."

"He wouldn't tell me. He said that I'd see for myself," she explains.

"Well, now you've seen."

"Oh, Raelin, guess what you missed?" an annoying voice asks from behind me. I recognize it from anywhere. It's Taliyah.

I turn around and she's with Carrie, Haidley, and Jessy. 

"What?" I ask.

"That History final," Taliyah states and gives me a disgusted look. "I'd ruin everything you are, but you're doing that on your own."

"You know what, Taliyah?" I stand up and get in her face like I've always wanted. I grab her shirt collar and drag her closer to my face. "You are mean and nasty and I don't care if I'm not popular anymore. I don't want to mean to anyone ever again! I realize that my selfish ways were wrong and no one here will ever know why I was even like that. I don't intend on telling anyone. Maybe you could spend some time in my shoes and you'd understand what it's like to hide who you are for years."

"This is who you really are?" Taliyah asks letting out a snicker, and it was obviously supposed to hurt me. Which, it did, but I tighten my grip on her shirt to the point where it's hard to breathe.

"Say anything else, and I'll hit you," I threaten.

"I'd love to see you try," were the last words from Taliyah's mouth before my hand connected with her face. I let her go and she falls senseless to the floor, obivously knocked out.

Carrie, Haidley, and Jessy turn and run away, showing that I have won this battle.

"Raelin Brown, come see me in my office," an official tone of voice instructs, and it's Principal Karly Hem.

"Mrs. Hem, I can explain," I state looking from her to Taliyah on the floor.

"Explain in my office, please," Mrs. Hem demands and I obey. I couldn't argue with her, everyone knows that.

I begin to feel nervous as we walk towards her office around the corner from the cafeteria. My heart is pounding and my whole body is numb. This is going on my public record, I can tell. I will probably get expelled.

We enter her office and she takes a seat behind her desk and I take a seat on the other side.

"Look, Mrs. Hem, if I'm getting expelled, I'll just sign the papers myself," I state and she shakes her head.

"I know what Taliyah has been doing and I've been waiting for the day when someone would fight her back. I was silently hoping you would," Mrs. Hem explains, catching me off guard.


"I know what you were like in Middle school, Miss Brown. And I've been hoping you would change back into who you really are. With your courage and Taliyah's evil personality, you're not the one getting expelled. I just want to hear how she'll try to play the victim in all this," Mrs. Hem explains and a smile grows on my face.

The intercom in Mrs. Hem's office goes off and the voice of the school nurse comes through. "Taliyah is awake, Karly. Would you like me to send her in?"

"Yes, please," Mrs. Hem replies.

A few minutes go by of Mrs. Hem typing away on her fancy computer and me awkwardly watching her. Taliyah enters with a black eye and notices me there. Her look of tiredness suddenly changes to terror.

"Mrs. Hem, you wanted to see me," Taliyah acts like I'm the bad guy here.

"Yes, Taliyah, take a seat next to Raelin," Mrs. Hem commands and wraps up what she's working on.

Taliyah is totally acting frightened as she slips into the comfy seat next to me. I roll my eyes as she holds an ice pack to her face pretending so scared and totally innocent. I mentally laugh to myself.

"Ok, Taliyah, what happened?"

"Well, I was walking through the cafeteria, minding my own business when Raelin just came over to me and grabbed me. She said she wanted answers to her History final she has to take still. I said that was cheating and not right. So she punched me," Taliyah plays the role of the victim while lying through her own perfectly white teeth.

"Miss Mergu, I was there when all this happened and I heard what was said. That's not true. Also, I know you wanted to cheat off Miss Brown," Mrs. Hem explains as Taliyah's face drowns from all color. "I think we're done here. Miss Mergu, you're expelled for lying to me, harassing Miss Brown, and countless accounts of bullying other kids."

"Unfair!" Taliyah shouts and begins to cry. "Everyone's against me!"

"Nice try, Barbie," Mrs. Hem jokes about Taliyah being "perfect" and winks at me. I give a slight smile in return.

"What? No, this isn't fair!!!!!" Taliyah shouts as Mrs. Hem picks up the phone ready to call her parents.

I Knew You Were Trouble {TMNT Raph Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now