Rocking Your World

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Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: You've been kidnapped, and someone rescues you. Turns out his name is Dean Winchester, he has a rocking ride, and he's about to change your whole world.

"Are you sure you're okay to go home? My couch is open if you need to crash here." Your friend, Stacy told you, her hands on her hips as she took in your inebriated state. She had a point, you were pretty sloshed, and even though your apartment was only three blocks away, you weren't sure you could make it by yourself. However, thinking back to why you were drunk in the first place, you knew you wanted to get home, and wallow in pity, by yourself. You didn't want anyone to see how pitiful you could be.

"Nah, I'm good." You slurred, grabbing your purse and heading towards the door. Stacy just shook her head, her long beautiful auburn hair following the movements. You had always been jealous of that hair. 

"Please call me when you make it home. I don't want to stay up all night worrying, I have a major test tomorrow." She pleaded, wanting to make sure you made it home safe.

Nodding your head, you shut the door behind you, leaning against it to stop your dizziness. Once it passed, you started down the dimly lit sidewalk, heading towards your apartment. As you walked, you couldn't help but think of Dave, your boyfriend, or ex now. Dave had been your constant, for over a year, and one day, out of the blue, he decides to dump you. For the slutty nurse that worked under him at the hospital. In more ways than one, you thought to yourself, making you laugh.

You were so busy depressing yourself with your thoughts that you didn't hear the footsteps behind you, or notice the shadow the street light shown beside you. What you did notice is when the man placed his hand on your mouth, effectively stopping you from screaming. His hand was callused, his rough skin rubbing against your lips as he held you tight, his other arm wrapping around your waist, tightening until you couldn't breathe. 

Leaning down, his disgusting breath blew in your face, as he glanced at you. "Well I had heard you were a pretty one, I guess the rumors were true." He sneered, his voice gruff, like gravel.

Trying to get away, you lifted your leg up, and attempted to kick him in his jewels, like you had been taught in a self defense class. He must have been suspecting the move, because he side stepped it with ease. Thinking fast, you lifted both legs up, leaving him with your entire weight. While you weren't exactly a big girl, you weren't a model either. You had plenty of curves, in your opinion, too many. Your sudden move caught him unaware, and he dropped you before landing on top. 

Cussing under his breath, he got up, faster than anyone you had ever seen, while you laid there winded from his fall. Before you could move, his eyes turned on you, and you could have sworn they turned black. He lifted his leg up, and before you could do anything, his booted foot crushed into your ribs, and you moaned in pain. Again and again he kicked you, and you slowly blacked out from the pain.


You couldn't move. That was your first thought when you finally came to. Your head throbbed, your entire body hurt, and you couldn't move your arms or legs. Life was not looking too good right now, you moaned to yourself. Gently opening your eyes, you squinted at the florescent light above you. You were in some sort of industrial building, metal was everywhere. You were tied to a chair, both of your wrists and ankles strapped tightly with zip ties, rendering you immobile. A table laid next to you, filled with all sorts of instruments that brought fear to your heart.

As you surveyed the area, you heard a door behind you open, and heavy footsteps slowly moving your way. Shivering in fear, you waited as the man who had kidnapped you came to stand in front of you. Smiling wide, he looked you up and down, and you fought against your restraints, knowing you couldn't escape but needing to try anyways. 

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