The Librarian

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Sam story, sorry no reader point of view.

Synopsis: Sam's doing research when he falls for the Librarian. Who's behind the murders, and is Sam, or his heart, safe?

Word count: 1300

Sam had been having a rough time with electronics lately. First he had accidentally dropped one of his phones in the sink, but now his laptop was full of viruses. He was pretty sure it was Dean's fault, links to Busty Asian Beauties kept popping up on the screen. The waitress at the last diner almost had a heart attack when one popped up while she was pouring him coffee.

So he found himself using an old computer at the local library, trying to research what was killing the local men around here. Each man had been in their thirties, unattached and attractive. They were found brutally murdered with bright red lipstick on their cheek. Cops thought that it was some serial killer, but Sam and Dean weren't so sure. They were still trying to figure out what Supernatural creature it could be. The only clue was a small purple flower left at each scene.

"Yes Dean, I know we need to hurry. Yes I am looking for more of a pattern. Where are you? Why are you in a bar?" Sam practically yelled into his phone.

"Excuse me sir, this is a library, I need you to keep it down," Sam heard behind him. Turning to argue with the lady and show her his FBI badge, Sam was speechless. Standing behind him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Dark brown shoulder length hair, whiskey colored eyes, and a full mouth, he couldn't stop staring.

"Sir, did you hear me? If you need to, take your phone outside, but you were too loud for inside." She scolded him with a voice as smooth as honey.

Finally Sam got his voice back, "Sorry Ma'am, I'm with the FBI, that was my partner on the phone. I'm just trying to do some research on our case." Running his hands through his shoulder length dark brown hair he looked at her.

She seemed flustered, maybe from yelling at an FBI agent, Sam wasn't sure. But she finally gave him her hand to shake, "Sorry Agent, I didn't mean to cause trouble for you. I'm Brittany, and I'm the Librarian today. Can I help you with your research? " She says as she sits down next to you, her hand lingering in yours.

Sitting back down, Sam decides to let her help, with certain parts of the research. Anything to keep her with him. He felt enchanted by this beautiful woman.

An hour later, Sam was still sitting with the beautiful Brittany, still not believing how wonderfully you two have hit it off. He hadn't accomplished much research on the case, but now knew who her favorite author, musician, and favorite movie was.

Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, Sam pulled it out to see Dean was calling him. Excusing himself, he headed outside to take the phone call.

"Dude, where the hell are you, you were supposed to be back by now. Any idea what's ganking these men yet?"

Sam rolled his eyes, his brother Dean, always being the boss. "No Dean, I still have no idea, what did the cops say?"

"Only that each man had liked to frequent the local bar. I'm heading back to the bar, see if anything stands out there. Why don't you meet me."

Agreeing, Sam walked back in to say bye to Brittany, but she was already gone. Oh well, Sam thought. It's not like he could go on a date with her, not with the lifestyle he led.


Meeting Dean at the bar, Sam quickly ordered a beer. Dean noticed and had to comment, "Dude, what's gotten into you today. Your even more grumpy than usual, and you beat me to the beer. Not like you."

Sam started to tell Dean he had met a girl, when he saw her walk into the bar. She had changed into a red halter dress, with matching red lipstick. She looked amazing.

Telling Dean he'd be back later, Sam walked over to where she sat at the bar. "Can I buy you a drink, Brittany?"

Looking at Sam she replied, "I thought I'd find you here, couldn't stop thinking about you." Sam caught her hand as she trailed it down his shirt. Not letting go of her hand, he sat down on the bar stool next to her, swiveling it to face her.

Not too long after she had finished her first drink, she turns to him, "Want to get out of here, head back to my place," She whispers into his ear.

Turning to look at Dean, Sam notices a peculiar look on Dean's face.

Kissing her cheek he says, "Sure, just let me check in with my partner before we go."

Heading over to Dean Sam becomes angry. "Hey Dean, what's that look for? Mad I got the girl for once?"

"Nah Sammy, I'm glad for you. You need to get laid, you were getting too cranked up. Just be careful, something doesn't feel right."

"Whatever Dean, don't wait up for me." Storming back over to Brittany, Sam puts his arm around her shoulder, leading her out through the door.

They had walked for about five minutes when she stops and points down an alley. "This ways faster, let's go."

Starting to get the same feeling Dean had, Sam checked his back pocket, realizing he had left this knife in the Impala.

All of a sudden, she attacked him, using super human strength to push him against the wall. Sam started struggling, which made her shove his head into the brick wall, making him see stars.

"Sorry Sam, I do like you, but I am really hungry, and you are the perfect meal. Those other guys were just appetizers compared to you." Brittany whispered into his ears before biting it.

"What are you?" Reminded Sam as he tried to break free from her hold.

"She's a Siren, Sam. Thats why you fell for it. I finally put it together after you had left. The flower left behind, the red lipstick, tour infatuation with her." Dean said right before he yanked her off of you. Grabbing Sam's hand, Dean ran his blade across it, getting the blood of the infected. It was the only way to kill a Siren.

Dean turned back, but she was ready for him, shoving him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Sam ran over and took the blade from Dean's hand, hoping he would be okay.

"Come on Sammy, you don't want to kill me. You love me," She taunted while circling him.

"No I dont, Bitch. And only Dean can call me Sammy!" With that Sam forced his knife forward, into her heart.

Falling down, she looked at Sam. This wasn't the Brittany he had started to fall for, this was a monster. Her features turned, showing a wrinkled, ugly, creature, who emitted a high wail before submitting to death.

"Way to gank the bitch," Sam heard Dean mutter as he put a hand to his head. Sam ran over, helping Dean up. They slowly walked back to the Impala, leaving a pile of ash behind. That was all that was left of the first girl he had fallen for in a long time.

"Hey Sammy, do me a favor," Dean asked as you started climbing into the Impala.

"Sure Dean, anything. Thanks for coming to my rescue out there."

"Will you stop falling for freaking monsters. I'm tired of seeing you having to gank them, then sulk for the next week."

Not wanting to respond, Sam just gave Dean one of his famous bitch faces as Dean turned the Impala onto the open road.

Confetti It's A PARADE! Of Supernatural Imagines.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat