Sleepless Nights

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Jensen Ackles x Reader

Synopsis: You are an actress on supernatural and dating Jensen Ackles. However his sleeping habits are driving you crazy.

Requested by liampaynelover88 I hope it's what you wanted!!

Shivering. You were so cold your teeth started rattling, and you were starting to realize why. Your covers were missing. Looking at the alarm clock you were shocked to see it was only 1:00 a.m. Turning to your bed partner/boyfriend, you notice he has a big smile on his face and all the covers wrapped around him. Yankingon the side, they dont budge. Finally giving up, you pull the comforter from where Jensen had kicked it on the ground.

You knew yesterday had been a busy day for all of you. You and Jensen both act on the TV show Supernatural, and yesterday was the start of an emotionally draining episode. You were sharing a motel room with Jensen, Jared and Misha, and the four of you had tumbled into bed after a late night. It was your first time sharing a bed with Jensen, you had only been dating for a month. All you had wished for was a good night's sleep before another grueling day of filming.

Closing your eyes, you snuggle into the comforter, glad to be finally warm. Finally relaxing, you were almost sleep, when you something hit you in the leg. Sitting straight up in bed, you turn once again to Jensen, and he is thrashing about. Wondering if he was having a nightmare, you watch him for awhile but he seemed to calm down.

Once again you try to sleep, this time you succeed, falling into a deep sleep.

Boom! You felt yourself falling, and woke up instantly. Somehow you ended up on the floor. Knowing you were a sound sleeper who didn't move around a lot, you look at the likely culprit, Jensen. He was stretched out over the entire queen sized bed, his legs completely on your side, with his arm stretched to the side. Looking towards the second bed, that Jared and Misha had to share, they were still asleep.

Trying to climb back into bed, you had to curl into a little ball, because Jensen had taken so much room. Almost in tears because you were so tired, it took you a long time to relax. Jensen finally moved over, tossing and turning so hard you almost fell off the bed again. Finally, your eyes drifted shut, and sleep overcame you.


The next morning you were awakened by a slap on your rear.

"Rise and Shine Tianna, we have a long day ahead of us!" Jensen says, smiling. Seeing him with a smile and a perky attitude, made you grind your teeth.

"Come on sleepy head. Bathrooms yours, we got to get going soon." Jared tells you, leaning down to tie his shoe.

"Morning sunshine." Misha tells you, walking out of the the bathroom. Seeing all three men bright eyed and bushy tailed while you felt like you had been hit by a bus made you feel even worse.

"Whatever," you grumble, walking into the bathroom. Hoping a warm shower would wake you up, you turn it out? While undressing you hear Misha, "What's up with Tianna? She's never that grumpy in the morning?"

"No idea," Jensen replied.

10 minutes later you step out of the shower, cleaner but your mood still hadn't improved. You quickly got dressed and met them in the main room.

"Ready princess?" Jensen asked, handing you a coffee.

"Don't call me princess," You complain, taking the coffee and heading out the door, missing the hurt look on Jensen's face. Cliff, your shared bodyguard, was already waiting, and you climbed into the front seat of the suburban, leaving the boys to share the backseat.

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