A Real Date Part 2

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Darkness was all you could see, and at first you started freaking out until you realized your eyes were closed. Too weak to open them, you tried to relax, trying to remember where you were. Last thing you remembered was being in Dean's arms, then nothing. Maybe you were in heaven. But that wouldn't make any sense if you couldn't open your eyes. Hearing voices, you stilled, listening.

"I'm sorry Dean, I did the best I could, she's going to need to heal the rest of the way on her own," A deep voice said. Was that Castiel? You hadn't met him yet, but he's the only one you knew of who could heal people.

"Thanks for doing all you did. At least she has a better chance of surviving. Without your help Cas, she would have been dead in my arms back there. I couldn't let that happen, I love her."

Hearing Dean say those three magical words again, made you try harder than ever to open your eyes. But you were so tired...

Waking up again, you weren't sure how much time had passed since the last time. Listening for voices, the room you were in was eerily quiet. Trying once again, this time you were finally able to open your eyes. Taking stock of your surroundings, you noticed you were back in your room, in the bunker. Everything seemed the same, except for the chair placed close to your bed, with Dean sleeping crookedly in it. Not wanting to wake him, you turned and reached for the glass of water sitting beside your bed. Trying to pick it up, you realized too late you were still too weak, and the glass slid from your grasp, shattering on the floor. 

Jumping straight out of the chair, Dean yanked his gun out of his pants, turning to see what had caused the noise. Seeing the glass on the ground, his eyes lit up with hope, before turning to fully face you.
"Y/N? Your awake, oh my god, finally." Grabbing your hand, he pressed it against his lips. "Sam, Cas, get in here!" He yelled, before kissing you on the forehead.
"You don't know how worried we were Y/N. How worried I was," he said, right before Sam and Cas crashed into your room
"What is it Dean? Is Y/N alright?" they asked simultaneously.
"Hey boys," you managed to croak out, your throat and lips both parched. "Can I have some water?"
Sam ran to get you some water, while Cas stood smiling from the door.

"How long have I been out?" You manage to ask, once your thirst had been quenched.

"A week. I thought I had lost you," Dean replied. He still hadn't left your side, alternating between holding your hand, and brushing his fingers through your hair.

As Cas cleaned up the broken glass, Sam came back in with a glass of water. Taking it from him, Dean held it up to your lips, and you took a sip, letting the water quench your parched throat. 

Once you had drunk your fill, you smiled up at Dean. "I'm glad you rescued me Dean. And Cas, thank you for healing me. Now Dean, what about that second date?

----------One Week Later------------

The boys were up to something, you could tell. Still on bed rest, you were getting much better. Each of them took turns hanging out with you. Sam would read with you, while Cas liked to watch funny YouTube videos with you. Dean would put a movie on, then gingerly gather you in his arms to watch together. If you had to be stuck in bed, this was the best way to pass the time. However, none of them had been by to see you that day. Instead you kept hearing hushed conversations coming from the main part of the bunker. Finally Sam and Cas came in, just to say the were leaving on a hunt for a while. Deciding that enough was enough, you got up to take a shower. Sliding off the bed, you placed your weight on your legs. Within seconds your legs turned to jello and the ground rushed up to met you. Wincing at the impact that was sure to happen, it took you a minute to realize you were safe, with a pair of strong arms holding you against his chest.

"What are you doing up?" Dean asked as he put you back on top of your bed.

"I'm dying of boredom Dean. I'm tired of my room!" You shouted, your frustration messing with your emotions.

"I know, princess, that's why I have something special planned." He winked at you. Picking you back up, he carried you into the library of the bunker, except it no longer looked like the library. The lights had been turned way down low, and candles were placed on the tables. A pristine white tablecloth covered the main table, a vase of roses sitting front and center. Music was playing from the old record player, something old and classical. Gently placing you in one of the chairs, Dean promised to be right back. Watching as he rushed out of the room, you reached forward, plucking one of the roses and inhaling it's sweet scent. 

It was a couple of minutes later Dean returned, carrying a large silver tray. As he came closer, you saw it held a couple bottles of beer, a basket of bread, and two plates of pasta. Sitting it down to the side, Dean placed the items in front of you, before sitting in the chair across the table. Seeming nervous, Dean kept turning his beer bottle round in his hand. "So Y/N, we never really got to do our date. I was kinda hoping this would make up for it."

Wiggling your finger at him, silently asking him to come close, he complied. Grabbing the collar of his shirt, you pull him down to you, kissing him. "Of course it does, silly man. This is a million times better. Have I told you lately I love you."

You could feel his smile against your lip. "I never grow tired of hearing it." He replied, his lips brushing yours. "Princess, I love you too."

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