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Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: You're a hunter who used to hunt travel around with the Winchesters. One hunt, you find something, that will change your life forever.

Hunting was in your blood, it was all you had ever known. Growing up, you had fallen asleep to stories of Vampires and ghouls instead of the usual fairy tales. Instead of playing with barbies, or joining the local softball team, you knew how to shoot and clean a gun by the time you were nine.

When most girls were going on first dates, or squealing over homecoming dresses, you were killing your first werewolf. While most people your age were studying and partying at college, you were on your first solo hunt, a simple salt and burn.

It was during this salt and burn, which hadn't been so simple after all, that you had met Dean Winchester. Sparks flew immediately, and what was supposed to have been an overnight hunt turned into a week long event. After the ghost had been burned, you and Dean had made use of your first fake credit card, getting to know each other in the dingy motel room you had rented.

You weren't a romantic, not even close. But when Dean gazed at you with heavy lidded green eyes, you melted into a puddle. When he whispered your name with his whiskey smooth voice, you shivered, and when his callused hands tucked your hair carefully behind your ear, you knew you were fighting a losing battle at keeping your emotions at bay.

The week passed in a blur of takeout containers, hunting stories and plenty of time spent between the sheets. You could have gladly stayed there forever, but soon your Dad came barreling along, pulling you away from Dean without a backwards glance.

Three years later, you had stumbled into Dean once again. This time he wasn't alone, his younger brother Sammy was with him, fresh from college. They were on a mission to find their Dad, while you were on a mission to forget yours. The pain was still too fresh, even though it had been months since the Rugaru had taken your Father from you.

Things clicked smoothly into place, the three of you making a great team as you took down the nest of vampires that were munching on the local college students. Things with you and Dean clicked right back into place, like the last three years had never happened. Sam became like a brother to you, and the three of you were happy together.

Happiness doesn't suit a hunter, and usually something comes along to wreck it, to show that happiness was just an illusion, meant for the normal, naive people who didn't know monsters existed. In your case, it was finding out Dean had made a crossroads deal. You had always known how dependent the brothers were on each other, but you had never thought that it would come to something like this.

You had stayed with Sam and Dean for that year, working hard to find a way to save him, but the time finally came when you had to watch Dean, your other half, being torn apart by hell hounds. It was the worst experience of your life, even worse than when your father died. You stood there, immobilized by Lilith, as the hell hounds ripped his skin to shreds, staring into his eyes as they turned glassy from the pain. Unable to move, you sobbed as he whispered your name, the last word that graced his plump, soft lips.

Running seemed like your only option after that, running from your broken heart, from the sadness clouding your best friends eyes, from the fact that you would never be able to gaze into the warmest, greenest pair of eyes you had ever seen. Immersing yourself into hunting, you worked nonstop, quickly gathering a name for yourself as a selfless, somewhat brash, suicidal hunter. It didn't bother you, in fact you made sure nothing bothered you any more, using alcohol many times to dull the pain and the memories when they tried to surface.

Sam tried to stay in touch, but after his phone calls went unanswered, he gave up, and you were on your own. You threw away your old phones, cutting off the last ties to your previous life, your heart becoming hardened against any type of connection to another human being. It was a lonely life, but it was better than getting your heart ripped out and torn to shreds again.

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