Stubborn Fool

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Dean Winchester x Reader
Synopsis: Dean is stubborn and protective in his love for you. But during a Demon hunt it could cost him.

"Dean, why can't you see how much of an Ass you are being about this?" You yelled, staring across the table at the man who had your blood boiling.

He just stood there, his broad shoulders bunching as he crossed his arms across his chest. His facial expressions were etched in stone and you had a feeling that no matter how hard you fought he wouldn't give in.

"I probably am." He conceded, "But I don't care. I don't want you going on this hunt, I don't have a good feeling about it, so you're staying here in the hotel room. That's final."

Stomping your foot, you could have almost screamed as the frustration raged through you. It wasn't as if you weren't experienced in hunting, you had been going after monsters since before you graduated, helping your parents, and then when they died, striking out on your own before finally joining up with Sam and Dean.

"If you don't have a good feeling about it, then you will probably need more help! Wait for Sam to get back here with Bobby, then the four of us can work together to bring down this monster!" You pleaded, trying to get past his stubbornness.

Grabbing his duffle bag full of salt, holy water, and anything else he could shove in there, he faced you one last time, his face almost angry in his seriousness. "Listen, if you try to follow me, I will handcuff you to the car, got it? I need to know you're here, safe."

You knew the reason he was being so protective was because he loved you, but you loved him back and wanted to protect him just as much. Sighing, you gave up, knowing you were no match for Dean. "Fine, but please, be safe. And call me, for anything." You begged.

Dean's facial features softened as he realized you were no longer fighting him. Striding over from the door, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry about me, I will be back in time for pizza and a beer." He promised, before leaving.

The room seemed empty and cold as soon as Dean was gone, and you listened to the Impala as it roared away. Your arms crossed, you stared at the room, trying to figure out how to keep yourself occupied until Dean returned.

The TV in your crappy little room was broken, leaving just the radio for sound. Finding a classic rock station you let it play softly in the background as you took a book from your backpack, hoping reading would keep you occupied.

Fifteen minutes later you were still on the same page, rereading the same paragraph over and over as your mind kept imagining what could happen to Dean. The ringing of your phone beside you startled you out of your maudlin thoughts, and you were relieved to see Sam's name flashing up on the screen.

"Hey Sam." You answered, tossing your unread book across the bed.

"Hey. So I just picked up Bobby, we should be back in town shortly." Sam told you.

"So Sam, Dean decided to try this hunt on his own." You told him, wincing as you heard Sam cuss on the other end, before he told Bobby what had happened.

"How long ago?" Sam asked you.

You quickly answered, looking at your watch. "About twenty minutes ago."

"We're on our way. We will pick you up, then go help his stupid ass with the hunt." Sam told you before ending the phone call.

After getting off the phone with Sam, you wish you had done more to persuade Dean to wait. Unable to sit still, you started pacing, ignoring the sound of the music playing in the background.

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