"No we need-" I was interrupted by the sound of glad smashing and the growls of the undead.

   I run out the door and hold it open for Zach who runs out and jumps over the hood of the car and into the drivers side. I open the door and jump in closing and locking my door. He turns the keys and it doesn't start; are you kidding me!

   The walkers were surrounding the truck and hitting the glass. I panicking and pray that the truck starts. He tried a few more times and nothing. I look up and see the sun roof, I smash it open and hop the hood of the truck.

   I take out my pistol and start shooting as many walkers and I can and hear the motor rumbling. I jump in and Zach speeds off, I look back and notice more walkers coming from the fields. We eventually make it off the small roads and loose all the walkers. I take a deep breath and say nothing for the rest of the ride. Once we pull up to the prison gates Mitchell and Brayden let us in. I give Mitchell a small smile and he returns one to me.

   I hop out of the truck and grab my duffle bag out of the back and was about to go back to our cell block and give Alan; our leader, what I found until I felt a hand grip my arm. I look over and see Zach with his hand squeezing my arm very tightly and his eyes are filled with anger.

"Zach let go of me, that hurts." I tried yanking my arm away but his grip just got tighter.

   I winced and and his grip started to get even tighter and felt bruises forming.

"ZACH LET GO!" I yelled hoping someone would hear me and get him off of me.

   I could tell yelling really pissed him off, and next thing I knew I pushed up against our cell block wall with his hands wrapped around my neck.

   I gasped for air not only was he blocking my airway but I was so scared that I felt like all the air in my lungs were gone. I tried kicking and punching him but my throat hurt so bad that I felt like I couldn't do anything.

"ZACH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A voice called out, my head was spinning so fast that I couldn't focus on anything.

   Soon I felt his hands leave my neck and I coughed to try and get air back in my lungs. My vision was blurry and my head was pounding.

"That stupid bit-"

"Zach, what your mouth. Now what the hell were you doing?" I soon recognized the voice as our leaders, his father.

"She almost got me killed! I was grabbing my stuff and a hoard of walkers came through because of her screaming cause she was attacked. She almost killed me, you stupid-" he spat at me.

"I don't wanna hear it, Zach you don't ever to that especially to a group member. Go to your cell, your staying there for the night." He said, and I could tell that Zach was really upset now.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled

"Zach! Now!" His dad yelled back. Zach balled his fists and turned to me, I've never seen someone so angry.

   In one quick movement he kicked me in the rib cage and ran off, the pain was excruciating and I sobbed.

   Alan came up to me and helped me up, but I whimpered because of the pain in my side. He called for help and Mitch ran to me and carried me into the infirmary. He found me some pain killers and I swung my feet off of the bed.

"Y/n I want you to be honest with me.." He trailed. I didn't look up and he sighed.

"Why do you have so any bruises, are they from Zach?" He questioned.

"N-no. They're from training and runs. H-he had nothing to do w-with them." I lied through my teeth, Mitch has always been a bigger brother to me and he knew me well.

"Stop it y/n. I know he did this to you, we all know he does this to you. Please just tell me the truth-"

"What truth?" Alan walks in.

"How she got all these bruises.." Mitch trailed. He lifted my arm to see that almost my whole forearm was purple.

"Zach did that?" He asked.

   He lifted my sleeves to reveal more bruises from 'training'. Alan rand a hand through his hair and kicked a chair across the room. He didn't say anything, he just left quickly and I knew he was upset. I sighed and hopped off the bed and made my way to my cell.

   I walked through the halls and saw Bee, Brayden, Mitchell, Sean, and Parker sitting at a lunch table laughing and talking. They all stopped when they saw me, Parker tried to get up and talk to me.

"No Parker, please just leave me alone.." I said weakly.

   I continued down the hall and went to to my cell. I took off my holster and my knife and put it on the top bunk along with a bunch of my other stuff. I curled up in bed and fell asleep.

|| One Week Later ||

   I haven't left bed for a week or however long and have barley eaten anything. People would occasionally come by and try to talk to me but I ignore them all. I was enjoying the silence that I have grown to love until a knock was at my cell wall. I look up and see Zach and become terrified, I hope he's not here to hurt or yell at me. I sat in my bed and held my knees.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly. What?

"I just came here to talk, I promise." I don't know what it is, maybe it's the soft and gentleness in his voice that convinced me.

"Look I want to-" he tried to sit down on my bed but I flinched. No, he's going to be upset with me.

"You're scared of me aren't you?"

   I didn't reply, I just hid my face in my knees and prayed that this would be over soon. I felt nothing and looked up at him and he was sitting on the chair in my room across from my bed. I relaxed slightly but still very tense and still a little scared.

"Y/n I'm sorry okay? I never meant to hurt you, and I mean it. And no my dad didn't guilt trip me to apologize, he actually told me to never talk, look, and especially not touch you ever again. So I really shouldn't be here but I think this needs to be said."

   I looked at him, his head hung low and his hair messier than usual. He looked up at me and I saw a new look or even glisten in his eyes. Sincerity.

"Look, I'm an idiot and I've never known how to sort out my feelings and thoughts because everything seems to mend together in my head and it all turns fuzzy. I-uh guess what I'm trying to say is I've had these feelings for you a while and you've been driving me crazy. You're on my mind twenty four seven. I'm sorry it's-" I cut him off with a kiss on the cheek.

"Zach, I'm not exactly happy that you beat me up but in this world you have to grow up and move on. I'm not saying I'm completely forgiving you but I guess we might be able to start over."

"Omg yes y/n, I want to start over more than anything. You're willing to give me another chance?" He said hopefully

"You're one and only." I said seriously.

"Trust me, I won't ruin it." He looked at me for a moment.

"Um-hi. I'm Zachary, and you are?" He said with his arm outstretched. I lightly slipped my small hand into his large calloused one.

"Y/n L/n, nice to meet you Zachary."


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