Suddenly I felt the stinging of my father's large hand connect with my face as I stumbled backward from the blow. I bent over, bringing my own hand to my burning cheek as tears began to pour down my face. "YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU BETHANY HELENA!" He spat.

Tears immediately began rolling down my cheeks as I clutched my face; Gerard hit me.

Gerard hit me.

Gerard hit me.

Gerard hit me.

I slowly looked up, still kneeling on the ground. Gerard's eyes were dark and angry, his fists clenched. "DONT YOU DARE TALK LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED BETH! YOU DONT KNOW THE FUCKING HALF OF IT!" He spat down at me.

And as tears poured down my cheeks, I suddenly began to laugh.

Gerard sneered. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I laughed. "It must really suck!" I choked out in between the tears and my mad laughter. "It must really suck to be such a huge hypocrite and know it!"

Gerard narrowed his eyes and kneeled down to my level. "What did you just say to me?"

I continued to hold my stinging face, feeling myself smile as more tears kept rolling down my cheeks. "You- you tell me that burying your pain is wrong. You tell me that there's nothing wrong with making the world feel what you've felt. And for the first time, I'm beginning to understand what you mean Gerard. But you, "I laughed again, "You're the biggest freaking hypocrite, because from what I can tell, you've buried your pain so deep it's eating you from the inside out!"

He grabbed me by my shirt, pulling me up with him roughly before pressing me against the car. His furious hazel eyes glared into mine, but he didn't say any thing.

"So go ahead." I whispered.

"Do it again." I lowered my hand from my cheek.

"Hit me if that's what it takes. Hit me if that's what it takes for you to start realizing that hurting yourself isn't going to bring back your brother. Nothing will, and that's something you're just going to have to live with."

Gerard tightened his grip on me.

"So how about you stop being such a freaking hypocrite and hit me again!" My voice wavered a tad bit as I looked into his intimidating eyes.

But he didn't.

He didn't hit me.

He actually surprised me.

He surprised me because not a second after I finished talking, Gerard's lips were on mine. His sudden action stunned me for a moment, and to be honest, I didn't know what to do.

I was angry.

But I was terrified.

I wanted to kiss him back.

But he hit me not give minutes ago.

But before I had the chance to really fully think about what was happening, I felt small droplets of wetness on my cheeks.

I didn't even realize I was crying, so I pulled away from Gerard to wipe them away.

But as I reached up to wipe my eyes, I came to the revelation that they were dry.

That's when I looked up at Gerard.

I understood now.

Those tears weren't mine they were Gerard's.


Yes this chapter was short, and I hope that doesn't annoy any of you guys but I just thought it was a good place to stop.

Anyways, I hope this chapter was slightly worth the wait; I know y'all are probably getting tired of my shit, but nevertheless I appreciate ever read, comment, and vote. It honestly all means the world to me, so I'd like to thank you all for that.

Anyways, it has suddenly struck me on how boring this must be for you guys. I swear it all sounds much better when I'm writing it. Anyways, I've now planned out a series of dramatic events for this storyline, so if you're still interested, then just know that I've actually got a plot lol.



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